Art and the eye doctor |

Art and the eye doctor


Well-Known Member
An artist ( possibly with the personality traits mentioned in another thread) was suffering, as was his art, from KC. He finally found a really great opthamologist. and after all the preliminaries, proceeded to have a graft. He was overjoyed. His vision came back as did his artistic production! When it came time to pay , however, he was a little short of cash and worked out an arrangement with the doctor. He would paint an entire wall-sized mural in the doctor's office. He was a noted artist and a work of that nature could be a big draw lots of visitors and perhaps clients.

The artist canvased off that portion of the office and began work. His painting proceeded in great secrecy for months and, nightly, he closed off and sealed the canvas cover.

When the time came for the work to be revealed the doctor arranged a great ceremony with friends, collegues and even the local press.

At the proper moment, the canvas was dropped and to the awe and appreciation of the crowd, there, onn the wall was a perfect painting of a human eye.....correct in ever detail. It was painted so well that to stand back and look, one felt as if it might blink or look around!

And, in the very center of the pupil was a portrait of the doctor, himself, in white jacket and sporting his usual smile. And, again, the painting was perfect, almost photographic in quality.

After the cheers died down, the local press reporter cornered the doctor and asked him if there was something he wished to say....what was his first impression?

The doctor thought for a moment and said, "Well, I guess I'm glad I'm not a proctologist!!"