Beans |


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Not long after my wife died four years ago, I ridded the household of the last kidney bean. Navy beans, Great Northerns, and pintos are the kinds I like. In turn they are .30 caliber, .50 caliber, and 20 mm.

Soaking now are 5 cups of pintos. Come morning, they'll go in the crockpot (with liner bag, cause I'm lazy) with a ham bone and generous amounts of ham, mucho garlic, couple of onions, some brown sugar, and some celery stalks - maybe some liquid smoke too.

Come afternoon, I'll bake up a batch of Tex-Mex cornbread with diced onions, jalapenos, cream style corn, and diced cheese in it. Serve with maple syrup - JARVIS good eatin'! Carol's coming over to help eat.

Lots of good ways to fix beans, and I like most of them. This is just one way I like best.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
We had the bean soup a while back , tonight it something not as gassy :lol: :roll: :lol: or as healthy but just as good. Yep .. It is going to be .. Pork Roast , ( Home made Neffleys ) and canned Sauerkraut with some new potatoes.



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Hungry Pal Jack,

I bet ya'll enjoy them vittles.....even Jarvis. I like pintos myownself, but I like near bout ever kinda bean 'er pea cept English peas. Miz Bear dont soak 'em cuz she spent her life workin', so when it come time ta fix vittles, it wuz canned beans. She kin make stovetop cornbread in less'n 10 minutes. I like kidney beans too, but I like 'em best cooked jest like yer cookin' them pintos, with some jalapenos in the juice, then served over rice. We didnt eat that when I wuz a little pardner. I stumbled upon red beans 'n rice in the French Quarter, in a Greek cafe not far frum the Dixie brewery. A big plate (not much ham) wuz $.25. That wuz jest rite on my foldin' money....meant more red wine. Ah yes....Jackson Square, listenin' ta Mister Bojangles on a sunny afternoon. This wuz back before it become a chocolate city.....even before it become a "spring break" city.


ps No reason a fella caint serve pinto beans 'n ham over rice....long az ya put some jalapenos in the cook pot. Dont git me wrong, I like cornbread, but we jest dont buy buttermilk much anymore. I like soda crackers better with it anyway.

Gus: Now the only healthy way to live, as I see it, is to learn to like all the little every day things.
Lori: Yeah. Like what?
Gus: Well like a good sip a whiskey every evening, or a soft bed to sleep in, or a warm glass of buttermilk, or...or like a feisty ole gentleman like myself.


Well-Known Member
bearridge, i was in NOLA just a few weeks ago and the places near the Square that sell red beans and rice now are getting upwards of $15/plate for it.

There's cheaper places, the little family cafe's that seat eight or nine customers. But not downtown.
