Beer causes deafness |

Beer causes deafness


Well-Known Member
After waiting 'way too long, we finally were able to arrange for a week off together. We decided to make it a FAMILY CAMPING ADVENTURE......near to home and pretty low cost as vacations go. So, we hooked up the Salem 26' and off we went to Sweetwater Ranch and Campground, near Loranger, Louisiana. Lots o' horses, nice swimming pool, restaurant (closed all week), fishing pond (home to 12.35 MILLION bluegills about the size of a fifty-cent piece, dusty roads, quiet evenings, a nice breeze and no bugs. Overall, a great time.

Here is an observation, valid at nearly any campground in America: Beer causes deafness. I have noticed this before, as I am certain many of you have. Give the guy and his wife and all their friends in the next campsite over a couple of cases of Bud Lite and before long they are all yelling at the top of their lungs and laughing louder than God intended. This, I believe is due to the fact that the beer has caused them all temporary deafness, making them shout to be heard. Further, this phenomenon only seems to occur after dark, usually beginning about 10 PM, CDT and lasting until 3 AM or so.....or until the beer runs out.

My pirogue is still safely strapped on top of the Suburban and won't be taken off till I can find some place to put into the river.......which is tougher than ever since the folks with money who were driven out of New Orleans, first by the storm and second by the crime rate, have been buying up property here like crazy and POSTING EVERY INCH OF IT.

Back to relaxing,

Cheers, Piper


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Sorry about your camping experience Piper. You deserve better.
However, yes beer does cause deafness, and I intend to quit drinking it as soon as I need a hearing aid perscription change. :roll:

Beer does also improve looks......some girls I know get better looking at closing time..... :wink:


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend piper,

Barbarians crawl out frum under rocks 'n stay up late. Sometimes they play loud music. Sometimes they slam car doors all nite. I caint figger out if they jest dont think of other folks 'er they do 'n still act that way. :cry: Write a letter ta the folks who own that campground 'n tell 'em why they wont git anuther one of yer dollars.

I hate yer havin' a hard time wettin' a paddle so I come up with some ideas:

Plan A: Git yer wife ta put ya on The City of New Orleans (with a name tag) :wink:. I'll drive over ta Greenwood, pick ya up, bring ya over here 'n we kin paddle the Mighty Mississippi? I would feel better if ya dont drown, so leave yer pirogue behind (it likely wont fit on the train anyhow)......I'll loan ya a sit upon 'n a two blader.

Plan B: We kin watch fer water on Black Creek.

Plan C: Git up here 'n I'll take ya over ta the Lower Buffalo where ya kin paddle a homemade pirogue. Chad kin call in sick 'n bring hiz homemade boat 'n join up with us fer a lazy day on flatwater. :lol:

If any other folks down yer way wanna join up, ride together 'n save on gas. $2.67 here now. Southwest part of Arkansaw got a heap a rain lately. Mite be somethin' in there good ta run.

hope that makes ya feel better

Education has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading. G. M. Trevelyan


Well-Known Member
Hey, don't feel sorry for lme. I'm having a great time on vacation, at least I think I am. I'm not answering the phone, I'm not answering stupid questions, I'm having a bit of Pink Gin when I can, and eating like a pig. I'll drop the Pirogue in the bayou when I get home ......

The important thing is this, my wife and daughter have been swimming every day, reading the books they have been putting off, been shopping a couple of times, etc........they are having a ball. And when Momma's happy, everybody is happy.

OK, back to relaxing......



Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Heya Piper,

Those sub-humans are everywhere mate. :evil:

Dontcha have public acces points to ya rivers?. Would cause a revolution out here if the government tried that crap on. Sure its not time for another tea party?


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
And all these years I been thinkin I was suffering industrial deafness :oops:

BTW, we got plenty of inconsiderate grubs like that here too. We call them yobboes. That is why I like to go bush, get away from the popular, designated camping areas. Aussies call that going "walkabout" :D Luckily, there are still a few places about and the farmers don't generally mind too much as long as we leave no mess.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
God - I do love to get into the outback. The Cathedral of the Great Outdoors calms me, re-energizes me, and reconnects me with myself and the Universe.

Light from stars a thousand years dead shines on me. Waters from the glaciers are at my feet (and in my boat). Scotch from a 12 year old cask is in my shot glass. Beavers, loons, bears, eagles, osprey, geese all come by to exchange greetings. I wave my cigar in return.

Rocky shores beckon for exploration and dreaming. Jerky tastes good, and dried cherries set off a cup of hot tea in excellent fashion.

Buddies mean more, and family means more too. Life is good; thanks, God.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Kayak Jack said:
God - I do love to get into the outback. The Cathedral of the Great Outdoors calms me, re-energizes me, and reconnects me with myself and the Universe.

Light from stars a thousand years dead shines on me. Waters from the glaciers are at my feet (and in my boat). Scotch from a 12 year old cask is in my shot glass. Beavers, loons, bears, eagles, osprey, geese all come by to exchange greetings. I wave my cigar in return.

Rocky shores beckon for exploration and dreaming. Jerky tastes good, and dried cherries set off a cup of hot tea in excellent fashion.

Buddies mean more, and family means more too. Life is good; thanks, God.
