Bugs ... Ticks .... and others. | SouthernPaddler.com

Bugs ... Ticks .... and others.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

I'm not sure about where you live but here in Central Florida we are having a tick problem. The warm winter , lack of rain and all the rest has the ticks out in full force , might say it is a good crop , to good.

I am not saying you will get a few ticks on you when in the woods , I'm saying you will get a ton of them. In my 64 years here in Florida I have never , ever , no way , have seen them this bad.

If you decide to go camping , hiking or just for a walk , paddling and take a shore break or anything in the weeds and grass then take all the precautions for bugs , especially the blood sucking ones. Plus check your gear really good before packing it away for the next trip.

There are a lot of different sprays , chemicals and preventive measures to do including checking your person when done with the hike or walk to prevent problems.

I just ordered in more of this Sawyer Duranon Permethrin Insect Repellent from Cabelas , they have the spray and the liquid soak for clothing.

I thought it was bad in the pathways around here , I got a surprise , the same in my back yard ( it backs up to some woods) . 32 years here and never had that problem , now the yard ( and the house , thanks to pups hitchhiking friends) has been sprayed and pups has been treated , with any luck we will be tick free. Even so , the yard and the house is going to get another treatment , that you can bet on.

The Vet told me everyone is having this problem , good for his business and the yard treating guys.



Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2007
jesup, ga.
hey chuck i hear they like floridians sweeter meat to suck on. :lol: so far i don,t think they are as bad as what your talking about. keep them down your way unless you want to send yaker some. don,t let them migrate across the line.

i know a few years back they were like that here. you would think after all the fires you & us guys had it would have thinned them out. :(


Sep 26, 2007
They'uz pretty bad here this past summer. We'uz awful dry,hadn't had no rain for summ spell. They'uz so bad.the catfish eben had'um


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
We are still fighting them but there numbers are dwindling really fast. I have some more chemicals coming in that will kill them as fast as scotch destroys a persons brain cells. OK.. The folks that had any but they had to be short on them to drink that nasty stuff.

It is a bad year down here for campers , the blood suckers are really out there because of the mild weather. I really feel sorry for anyone going into the woods and not knowing what they are going to take home with them at this time.

The old saying .... A ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure is really true. I have the good stuff coming in from Cabelas and before I hit the woods again you can bet my clothing ( even the hat ) will be soaked in the mix and then dried on the line ( the southern solar drier called a clothes line) and my shoes will be sprayed with it.

It is WAR .... The bugs are going to lose. :D Ya know it is bad when you have to have the yard treated along with the interior of the house and all sorts of stuff for the dog , none under $20.00 , Hell the vet bill was over $100.00 , The yard and house was a lot more and will be done again. :evil:


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Chuck, are you getting pyrethryn? That worked for me well in Canada (until Jimmie go too close to my hammock and overrode the effects - he attracted vermin from two islands over!)

It didn't work at all on those *^&## sand flies on Outhouse Key.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Yes... Spray and a liquid plus a propane powered foggier for doing the woods. The foggier kills skitters , fleas and ticks.

Figured it would be useful around here , especially when we want to be outside and the skitters are thick. Might even be a good thing to clean the critters from a base camp in the woods. Go in and spend a couple of nights at a spot , camping and fishing so I would fog the area and stop the bug problem , no more slapping skitters while eating supper or making a late night call to a thirsty tree.

To put it mildly ... I have declared WAR on the bugs.

When I was a kid , Dad rigged up a foggier attachment to the exhaust pipe on one of the tractors. The insecticide was gravity fed into the exhaust and would fog a area quite well.
We lived in the middle of 5 acres of woods and at night , while enjoying our swimming pool the fogging stopped the bugs. Plus it was fun riding around the area fogging everything before we would have a pool party.

"O"..... Dad built the pool before he built the house and everyone thought he was nut's , not later when we would have the pool parties , it was the 1st privetly owned swimming pool in Oviedo and enjoyed by a lot of folks.

Might say I am progressing by regressing. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
We used a fogger in the exhaust of the rotary lawn mower. The exhaust went under the deck and coated the grass. It killed bugs for a eek laying on the ground, unless it rained. Rain seemed to wash it off.

Lee Schneidermann

Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2007
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Jarring memories

The talk of fogging for bugs reminded me of summer days in the 1960's and 70's in Worthington Minnesota. We'd hop on our bikes and follow the fogging truck as it went around Lake Okabena spraying a huge cloud of DDT up into the trees.
It's a wonder any of us are alive!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Ain't seen no ticks or skeeters 'round here fer 'bout 4 months.

Yep... I would not dought you on that. Your white stuff is different then ours , yous falls from the sky.

Sometimes ours falls from the sky but for the most part it makes it to the ground in the plane transporting it.
Then unlike yours which has to be shoveled ours is inhaled threw a rolled up $100.00 bill and is measured out in a very thin fine line. Down here the folks SNORT there snow , no one shovel's it.:lol: :lol: :lol:

Plus most of it is only in the larger cities with the in crowd or clowns who think they can fly , clime walls and are indestructible just before they overdose. .:roll:
