Camping Kots.......Tent Cot. |

Camping Kots.......Tent Cot.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Entertaining a thought here.......

I have been asked about the Camping Cot ( ) and if I like it. All I can say is YES ... I have used it on a lot of car camping trips where they only way to get into a place is down a Jeep Trail and it makes a good place to sleep at night or I wanted to travel really light. They have several new models that are really nice.

Simple to set up and to take down but it does need a mattress or something on the bed of it since it is like a hammock , without that insulation you lose a lot of body heat since you are 11 inches up off the ground.

Now I have always used it with a tarp over it since I did not get the rain fly for it , the one I have is the 2 legged one they call the original.

My thought is if I would of had it on the last trip , it has a lot less wind signature , plus it could of been set up down near the river on the pebbles and rocks since they would not of caused any sleeping problems. Two legs holding it up and lots of ventilation when open , security when closed from the weather and the comfort of a hammock when there are no trees to hang one from.

The down side is the size of it when packed up , it would overlap the sides of my boats which is something I don't like. But I could of packed it like Ron did with his instant tent and made it with it sticking out over his boat. I was a gnats eyebrow from taking it and then forgot it since I always put that tarp over it.

What I am thinking is to spray it with the silicone waterproofing that I put on the cover of my little camper , that stops any water from getting in and not needing the rain fly for it.

Something to think about since , sometimes I had to have a storm wake me up. :lol:



Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2008
Hoschton, GA
That's interesting!! It would be a heck of a thing to have in the truck for emergencies. Obviously not a backpacker item, but for a boat trip I can see where it would make sense.

Seems like you are still going to have to tie it down somehow. The kind of wind you guys described on the Brazos trip, you'd have been rolling around like a tumbleweed.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
You guys have me thinking and that is not really that good.

I'm taking the Kamp Cot I have this weekend and spraying it with the silicone waterproofing to water proof the outside of it when it is closed up.

Now as far as taking it on one of my narrow boats , bungee it the the railing I have in the boat , flat on the deck and out of the way for paddling. Just like Harry and Ray do with there large aluminum folding out picnic table , sort of like the landing deck on an aircraft carrier on the back of the boat. Dam , I hope no F-16 would see me and want to land. :lol:

As far as storms , zip it up and ride them out , the really nasty ones then run some lines from the overhead supports out to a good sand anchor , the same with the back upright/overhead support .... You will see what I'm saying in the picture. Plus it is a smaller wind signature and with myself in there a lot more weight.
Unlike a tent you can't store stuff inside with you but both of my dry bags , closed and sealed never moved in that storm. If they would of , then just find them later floating down the river. I always close and seal them before hitting the sack.


The nice thing is it is a cot , enclosed for the campers protection from the weather and up off the ground , or open all the way around for ventilation.
I still think I should of had it on the Brazos , then I could of been down on the gravel (rocks) like Ron was in his tent ... remember he was on a cot in the tent , no rocks in his back. :D

I have learned a lot from that trip and it was one I sure enjoyed. The company , the area , the river , the scenery , even the weather all of it was an education for me and made it a trip of a life time. It was a whole new world of camping for me and would I do it again ... YOU BET.....but do it differently the next time , since I have been educated to that style of camping.

Next year for pipers shindig , this will be in the back of the Jeep with all of the rest on top of it in there. The little camper will stay here. Less to worry about or have behind the buggy .... but camping comfort anywhere I want to stop , even in places without trees. Yep , the hammock will be along , I don't go anywhere without it , not even down the Brazos River.

Yes... Ron , I had a back up camping arraignment , always do. I never , ever ... put all my eggs in just one basket , learned that a long time ago , always have a backup. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Kayak Jack said:
I can see lugging this thing along in a car or truck, but I don't think I'd want it in a canoe. WAY to big.

For a car or truck they are great .....
I think you are right about the canoe , I will try it on the canoe when I have a swim suit on just to play it safe. :lol: Not sure how much it would be in the way on the back stroke with the paddle since I do let the paddle go back a good distance before doing the "J " Stroke.



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Kayak Jack said:
[quote="oldsparkey"...I will try it on the canoe when I have a swim suit on...
All those who do not want to have to see this sight, raise your hands. [/quote]

Here I sit one hand raised and the other turning off the monitor. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I'll have all you wise guys to know my bathing suit is quite respectable , it is just like friend Keith's. Anyway I think it is from seedticks description of Friend Keith's bathing suit.

Has the straps over the shoulders , the pocket in the front for a time piece or a tobacco dip container and goes all the ways down to the knees. Even has the trap door in the back and only comes in blue denim with a John Deer patch on the left shoulder. :roll:
Now if you want to modern , swim suit , fashion model they have them at Tractor Supply or they did have them , mine came with the John Deer Tractor.

Darn ... I just remembered the sales person told me that was the last one they had. You are to late to get one , eat your hearts out , ya snooze ya loose. :lol: :lol: :lol:


tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
I can see where that would work well, and 30 inches wide is not much widder than your boat ,good bed , dry ,bug free.
I would add a tarp streched over it and staked down like you do the rain flys on the hennesy be a good place to keep the rest of your gear dry.
I like it


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
The canoe is 30 inches at the widest part which is at the middle so it would overlap some when placed behind the seat , where I have the food box. About the same area on yours where you pack the ice chest.

I know how it is for camping , have spent quite a few nights in it car camping. Never tried packing it on a canoe so that is something new.
Got to play around with it , but I have all summer to do it. Besides I need something to do and a reason to go camping now and then to keep the wife happy and me out of the house. :lol:

One of the trips to South Carolina , at the state park a couple of guys had the double one , they were set up under a tarp. That was there base of operation while doing some temp construction work in the area. Up in the morning off for breakfast , then the job , back to the campground for a shower and supper then to bed and repeat the whole process the next day. They saved a bundle doing it that way over getting a motel room. Not sure if they were charging the boss for a motel room but a hats off to them if they were. :lol:
I told them I had the original one (single ) and that double is quite roomy ( no good for boat camping unless you are in a ... BIG BOAT ...but really good for what they were using it for.



Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2008
Tryon, NC
I picked one up in the "bargain basement" corner of a Cabella's we stopped at passing through PA last year.
I have used it several times and am pleased with it. It is on the heavy side and somewhat bulky, but easy to set up and with a self inflating pad and pillow in there.....sweet dreams! I set it up under a cheap Wallyworld picnic canopy and it makes a fine basecamp.
People in the campgrounds all want to have a look.