Chapter 14 |

Chapter 14


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Southeastern North Carolina
The ten began their journey shortly before dawn the next morning after Sir Wallaces men had delivered them to the east of the rest of the group. They caught only short naps. The idea was to get down to where the hostiles lay in camp and then deter them somehow away from the main group. They also didnt want the Indians to think that they were side tracking them either. That would mean that the Indians figured out that they were just a small band from the whitemans camp and that the main group continued westward. Both groups would then suffer. This small one especially.
Their noise was heard only by the field mice and chipmunks along the grass and small bushes that they plied their way through. Looking and moving slowly they progressed a ways before the man in the lead, Big Trout, motioned for all to stop. Burch Bark skid forward to get next to Big Trout. Big Trout hand signed that there were three up there, as his finger pointed forward to some large trees about 100 feet ahead. Burch bark signaled the rest to move around to their sides. Quietly they moved. No sounds were made. They melted into the forest to breach around the Indians ahead. Slowly they paced themselves to where they now would be some 3oo feet from where they last saw the savages.
Its the same ones we fought before


Friend Swampy,

Been up all nite agin? Got java? :wink:


bodine school (not in the sweet 16) :cry:


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2003
Sun City, Arizona

I see that your typing finger got well rested on the river trip. :lol:

So I know it is not the same one you use to push the camera button. :wink:
