Different Type of Chicken Supper | SouthernPaddler.com

Different Type of Chicken Supper


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Different supper ... sort of. (I have done this before) We are having it tonight.

Two skinless chicken beasts (Thawed) Then sliced into bit size chunks.
Carrots (how many you like) diced up
Celery (the same thing) diced up
Bell Pepper chunks (the same thing) diced up
Garlic (the same thing) diced up
Onion (the same thing) diced up
Spices .... Your decision on this I like mine with a lot of them, the hotter the better.

A pot on the side with some good rice cooking in it.
My choice is the Lundberg California Brown Basmati. The one that smells like pop corn when it is cooking. Darn Good eating all by itself. :D

One can of Campbell's Chicken Gravy. A person has to cheat at times. :oops:

Take a good skillet and add olive to it (your choice on the amount but don't be stingy) Heat the pan up......... Add the carrots .... Mush them around for a while then add the celery..... mush them around....... Add the chicken pieces. Do the same
For crunchy onions ..add them just before the chicken gets done along with the bell pepper chunks....... mush it around in the pan. Now add the garlic and spices.......... Keep mushing it around ..... stir, stir, stir, don't stop now you have a rhythm going............. :D

OK .. Time to relax add the Chicken Gravy from the CAN......... Let it simmer (turn the heat down or OFF) after you mushed it all together. (you decide how long)
If it gets to thick I like to add some white wine to it while in the pan and before it gets to the rice :D

The rice is done ....Good.... Now throw it in a bowl ........ Add what you have been cooking to it...... Let it sit for a short time ... OK , long enough......Get a big spoon and fill your plate.



Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Sounds tasty, Chuck. I do something similar, only I put all the stuff (repeat, ALL the stuff) into a plastic bag and steam it all at one time on Mz Jean's BakePacker. I call it Rice Gloppy.

This works at home and in camp. For camp, I use Tone's flavored gravy powder and small cans of chicken.