Dorcheat Bayou |

Dorcheat Bayou

a Bald Cypress

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
Northwest Louisiana
On the 19th, five boats and nine folks went on a short trip down the bayou. We went to put up some bird boxes and enjoy the day.

I did not have a camera along but, others did and I got a couple of pics.

We floated four miles in about three hours and installed eight houses which we will moniter for activity.
The day could not have been any better. The only problem was, it wasn't long enough.




Proof that even people with two left hands can make a boat that floats.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
bluebird boxes?

Fine lookin' boat, even if yer settin' a bit too far toward the ass end. :wink:


When choosing between two evils I always like to take the one I've never tried before. Mae West


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
I tip my e-hat ta ya sir. That iz a fine little warbler. I have admired their pichur. I hope ta see one some day.


There iz other ways of learnin' bout the behind feet of a mule than gittin' kicked by him, sure az I'm named Remus. ‘N jest cuz these here tales iz bout critters like Br'er Rabbit ‘n Br'er Fox, that dont mean it caint happen ta folks! So scuse me fer sayin' so, but them who caint learn frum a tale bout critters, jest aint got they ears tuned fer listenin'. Uncle Remus

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Nice looking boat there, Baldy. Actually, Br'r Bear, I sit further forward than that when soloing a canoe. Leading edge of my seat is just aft of the centerline. Trims out a canoe real nice that way. Double ender paddle makes it handle quite nicely for me.

Your warbler is welcome. I was listening to rose breasted grosbeaks last year and this year both on the Au Sable. Finally saw one this year so I could ID it. Couldn't figure out last year if the river had a large population of them - or if just one was following me the whole 70 miles.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Yer look'n good in that boat BC! I don't care where yer sitt'n in it.
Looks like it was a fine paddl'n day.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2006
I saw a bunch of those warblers last July while staying at Chicot State Park in your fine state. It was the first time I've seen them and I had to look them up as soon as I got back to my travel trailer. Darn fine lookin' birds!


a Bald Cypress

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
Northwest Louisiana

Fellow formites and gezers.

While it is true that photoshop may have helped a bit, that is actually me in the canoe.

Friend Bearridge, for your info, I am sitting on the front seat and going backwards. As you are most likely well aware.

As to sitting in the middle of the boat. I have heard, note that I have not personally experienced it, but have heard that; If a person sits in the middle of the boat, the god of waters gets upset and makes the water flow fast and in addition, rocks and boulders will suddenly appear. Said rocks and boulders lie in wait for some foolhardy person sitting in the middle of the boat to be slammed into them so they can leave dents and holes in the offending boat while at the same time introducing the person in the boat to a much needed bath and swimming lesson.

I therefore will remain sitting a bit aft of center and thereby allowing the god of waters to remain passive. This will allow me a leasurely but enjoyable trip down the placid waters of the bayou. It also allows me to exit the boat dry and in the same clothing I started out in.

P.S. edit to add' Thank you all for the kind remarks.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Re: Dorcheat

a Bald Cypress said:
I am sitting on the front seat and going backwards. As you are most likely well aware.
Friend baldy,

Nope. That would mean I wuz payin' close attention. I dont do that much these days. :wink:

I would like ta hear how it works out fer the little warbler. I spend a good part of my day watchin' birds....'er watchin' out fer 'em. Best thing I ever done wuz run some hose up over the bird bath 'n let it drip. Ya shoulda been here when all the cedar wax wings wuz bathin'. The biggest bathers (splashers) are robins, brown thrashers, blue jays 'n cedar wax wings. Ever now 'n then a cardinal will take a bath. Once 'er twice the mockingbird washed hiz face. They all like ta stop by fer a drink in the hot weather.


ps My first whitewater paddlin' wuz settin' jest like you.....backwards in the front seat. We had knee pads, but that wuz it....kinda leaned back agin the seat.

My manner of living is plain and I do not mean to be put out of it. A glass of wine and a bit of mutton are always ready. George Washington