driveway chicken |

driveway chicken


Well-Known Member
Driveway Chicken......a step up from County Road Possom......we ate that more than a few times after Katrina changed things here, when we could FIND chicken. Actually, we had a great time making do with wout Dutch oven. I had a big bag of charcoal before the storm and we ate throough the freezer as fast as we could when the power went out.

We used the DO for chicken, game hens, pork roast, BBQ beef, meatloaf, beans (from scratch) and pineapple upside down cake and other things. A whole chicken takes about 15-briquets......and could use NONE if you just scrounge up some scrapwood.....easy to find that when a hurricane comes through.

My point is this: If you have a DO and haven't used it, then get ou in the yard and start a fire! If you have piddled around and tried it once or twice, then the same advice applies.

Not only is it a fast and wholesome way to cook, it is versatile and safe. And, when the power goes out in Omaha or Pittsburgh or wherever, you can eat like a king with your DO.