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For Bear


Well-Known Member
My Assistant brought me a contract to review for his upcoming "Get in Shape, break the cheeto eating Boot Camp". He wanted me to check out what he was signing up for.

I review contracts everyday and this has to be one of the best clauses I have seen yet. I thought it was great- and it is part of a contract, not one of those internet jokes.

The Company has been changed to protect the innocent.

I fully understand that BootCamp is dangerous. I could be injured, paralyzed, go blind, go deaf, lose my arms & legs, get hit by a weight, a bar, a jump rope, another BootCamper, a Buick or hurt in innumerable other ways. I understand I could be killed by participating in this program. I will be constantly working to the point of exhaustion and beyond. I will always be in agony, be sore and in pain. I will be dizzy and then throw up or lose control of my bowels. Once exhausted and barely able to breathe or control my limbs, I may be climbing a rope high into the sky over a concrete floor or doing hundreds of other potentially life threatening evolutions. I understand that I may be subject to harassment of all types, to include sexual harassment. This harassment may come from the BootCamp staff or other BootCamper. I hold no one in the entire world responsible for anything that occurs to me, other than myself. I am making a conscious choice to expose myself to this environment and these risks. I welcome all of these experiences. I understand that unfortunately in today’s sue-happy, litigious society it is necessary for this waiver to be as blatant as it is.

I have read and understand these terms:___________(initial)


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Pirogue,

Long time no see. I am mitey glad I cut down on my contract readin'. I tried ta give the High Sheriff a hand with the disclaimin' on here, but I dont know if ya noticed........he kinda likes ta do it hizownself......hizown way. :lol: :lol:

I used ta git a heap a email with a threat down at the end, bout all the truble yer in if ya aint the fella it wuz aimed at 'n ya read it anyway. I kinda borrowed this one frum William Money (after he come outta that saloon in Big Whiskey after he sent Little Bill ta hell fer what he done ta Ned Roundtree). It had some $10 words in it, cuz ya gotta use some in a legalized notice. It iz the law. However, I took 'em out cuz unless ya git paid fer a $10 word, why use it?

All right now, if you got this by mistake, you better not pass it on ta nobody or use any part of it. If you do I'm coming out. Any man I see out there, I'm gonna shoot him. Any sumbitch takes a shot at me, I'm not only gonna kill him, but I'm gonna kill his wife.....all his friends......burn his damn house down.

shade tree legal clinic

In the end, more than freedom, they wanted security. They wanted a comfortable life, and they lost it all --security, comfort, and freedom. When the Athenians finally wanted not to give to society but for society to give to them, when the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility, then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again. Edward Gibbon

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
An adult is one who can feed, clothe, and house him/herself, take responsibility for his/her own actions and the consequences thereof, and make up his/her own mind, and take responsibility for the attitudes and decisions thereof.

In my mind, the most basic freedom is the freedom of choice. All other freedoms can be derived from that one - if we have it.

In my mind, folks who give willingly up their human right to make up their own minds, make their own decisions, and then act on them responsibly - thus turning their lives over to another to tell them what is good or bad or what they should or should not do - have abdicated adulthood and deserve what they get.

Doing what you like is FREEDOM
Liking what you do is HAPPINESS


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2008
lakside village, texas
Kayak Jack said:
An adult is one who can feed, clothe, and house him/herself, take responsibility for his/her own actions and the consequences thereof, and make up his/her own mind, and take responsibility for the attitudes and decisions thereof.

And oddly enough, age is secondary to attitude. In my life, I have seen twelve year old men and women, who willingly shoulder adult responsability, and should be considered adults. Only the lack of depth of knowledge, prevents them from functioning as adults.
On the other hand, I have seen boys and girls at 60 years of age. Those who absolutely wil NOT accept responsability for anything they do. They constantly whine about"It's just not fair". And they're right, a lot of life isn't fair. And adults roll with the punches. Get back up after every knock-down. And maybe their lives will not be as they wished them to be, But by golly, they do it "Their way"!

(But on a third hand, I for one, refuse to grow up in a few aspects of my life. Being an adult isn't a lot of fun, ALL the time!)

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
jimsong said:
...(But on a third hand, I for one, refuse to grow up in a few aspects of my life. Being an adult isn't a lot of fun, ALL the time!)
Jimmy - I finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up - a mischievous little boy! And. I'm practicing right now.