geezer problems |

geezer problems


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
Three older gentlemen were talking about some of the problems they have as they age. The 60 year old says " What is it about peeing? Can't seem to go half hour without running to the bathroom. Makes taking a long trip a real pain. I also get a little constipated now and then."

The 70 year old replies " Half hour?! Try every 15 minutes. And sometimes I don't quite make it to the bathroom in time. :cry: I'm forever getting constipated. It's hell to get old."

The 80 year old is taking all this in and finally says "No problem with peeing every 15 minutes. Every morning - 5:30 am- one long pee. At 6:00 sharp- big bowel movement- every day. Only problem- I generally wake up at half past 7:00."
