Hennessy Hammocks - Tricking Them Out | SouthernPaddler.com

Hennessy Hammocks - Tricking Them Out

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
As much as I love a Hennessy Hammock, I am not in love with his rain flies. He offers the hex fly which will, I think, eliminate the rain coming in when it's raining sideways. The standard rain fly will not. ( Mine is the Expedition A-Sym http://www.hennessyhammock.com/comparisonchart.html )

Last week, on the Au Sable, I tried a different rigging. Using a Cooke Custom Sewing fly of 10' X 14', I 'sperimented. I wanted more covered area next to the hammock. I put up the hammock in standard format, but without a fly. I rigged the Cooke tarp right onto the guy line of the hammock. Loops are every 2' along the 14' sides. ( http://www.cookecustomsewing.com/tundratarp.htm Mine is the 10' X 14' 1.1 oz four panel)

I hooked the little sliding hooks (that are there for the rain fly) into the third loop up the edge. (More later) That divided the tarp into 4' and 10' sections - one on the left and the other on the right side of the hammock.

I used 5' lines and staked down the 4' side. Later, I propped up the center of that end for better ventilation. A canoe paddle or half of a kayak paddle works nice here. The 10' side stretched out like a large, patio cover. I tied the corners out to handy trees, could have run 20' lines out to stakes at ground level. I affixed a pole tot he four loops int e center of all Cooke tarps, and tied it down to a stake in the ground.

This provided a larger area for sitting, cooking, sipping of dago red, smoking seegars, and telling truthful tales. This set up would work every bit as well with a 10' X 12' fly, but with a smaller covered patio for relaxation.

Back to the little hooks for the rain fly. There are two of them, one on each end. They are tied with Prussic knots so they slide along the large rope, but sit still when under tension. They are originally for adjusting lengthwise tension on the original rain fly. They now adjust cross wise tension on the large tarp. A 10' wide tarp is a perfect fit here. The longer hammocks - Explorer and Safari - will require a wider tarp.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
The Hex Fly would of been simpler , it is made for the hammock so you could of used your Cookie away from the hammock or attach as part of it.

The hex is basically a 10x12 tarp but made for the hammock. I love the one I have. My other tarps are for the rest of the area , like for cooking and goofing around under. :D

PS. Spend a buck Jack , Ya can't take it with you and what you leave here will be blown if the government does not get it before then. :lol:

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Chuck, I'm glad the hex seems to satisfy you. But, it won't do what mine will. I can rig it like a hex if I want to, so would have that available when I want.

The rig I have furnishes a larger covered area out beside the hammock. If I want an additional fly, I'll use the other Cooke tarp in conjunction with the 10 X 14.

Others may appreciate knowing about these additional possibilities of their Hennessys


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Any tall fellas been able ta sleep in one? Caint run no more tests here at the Southern Test Facility til fall. Summertime we jest run tests on Miracle Whip 'n pork skins.....tomaters, corn, string beans, pork chops 'n grits. :roll:

whittle if ya got 'em

If the Bible had said that Jonah swallowed the whale, I would have believed it. William Jennings Bryan


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
bearridge said:
Any tall fellas been able ta sleep in one? bearridge

Jack, Your about as tall as bear.....splain to him how you sleep in yours.
If it don't work, maybe he can sell it here on SP. Maybe it was a mistake for him to purchase one, Camper Dave don't like sleeping in it either....of course he is a fart in the wind weight wise and about as smelly. Course Camper Dave complains when sleeping on a cloud.

I have a Safari with the hex....I really like it.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Br'r Bear,

Don't know how high they stacked the Boat Science when you were being constructed; they stacked it 5' 8" here.

The over sized hammocks are not necessary at all, but some like them. Climb in our hammock, skooch your arse back and sit down, pull in our feet and lean back. I put my feet off to the right next to the bungee, and my head off tot he left next to the other bungee. Sleep on either side or back. I don't sleep on my tummy so won't comment on that position.

Email me with any other questions, comments, etc. you have here. I won't BS you or lead you astray.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Kayak Jack said:
I won't BS you or lead you astray.
Okay....who signed in usin' Truthful Jack's name? Come out, come out, whoever ya are. If ya done anythin' ta Jack, ya gotta answer ta us.....mebbe ta Chuck Norris.

Chuck, did ya git a ransom note? If it haz big words, call me. We still have $8.37 left frum the fund raizin' in case the Canucks put ya in the hooscow.

I know how ta lay in it. The nettin' rubbed my head bad 'n made it break out like poison ivy welts.....took a week ta go away. No sleepin' in that. No way a tall fella kin roll over on hiz belly....less he works at the circus.

I aim ta give it one more try come fall, but I wuz jest curious ta know if a tall person ever slept all nite in a Hennessey.


ps Ya better not hurt Jack....whoever ya are.

It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again. Jame "Buffalo Bill" Gumb


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Some of us are over the 5-8 and really like the longer hammocks , even some shorter folks like them for there comfort. Why sleep in a sardine can when you can have a motel room between two trees.

As oldyaker said the Explorer is nice and like a Motel 6 , the Safari is the Hilton minus the room service.

Again , different strokes for different folks , personally I enjoy the extra space in mine , someone else might not.

We can't or should not force our desires ( consciously or subconsciously ) and likes or dislikes on others till we walk in there shoes , only make suggestions and then answer there question honestly ... then the rest is up to them. After all , not everyone likes to drive a Ford Van , some prefer a different choice. :lol:

Yep.. I like picking on Fords. :oops: