How to increase the rocker in an U J Pirogue Kit? |

How to increase the rocker in an U J Pirogue Kit?


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
G'day Bill - welcome aboard mate.

The UJ pirogue already has about 2" rocker each end which, to my way of thinking is probably more than adequate.

However if you require more rocker there are two things you can do that I know of.

1. Increase the angle of the side slats, this will force the stems up.

2. when cutting the side panels, instead of keeping the bottoms of them straight, cut into them a gentle,even convex curve.

You could do either or both of these things but I think that too much rocker in any boat is not necessarily a good thing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Looking at Paw Paw's pirogues , I would say that the sides are not a full 12 inches from the bow to the stern , If they are 12 inches at each end then they are a lot less in the middle ( almost no free board) which makes them look like it has a bunch of rocker. Make the ends high and the middle low and it will look like it has a ton of rocker in it ,

I did notice he does not give you any information about them , gunwale width , waterline width , bottom width , ROCKER and the vital information. He does say the 13 1/2 is light weigh at 70 pounds. :roll:



Active Member
Jan 18, 2007
Vermilion Parish, Louisiana
Iin the bottom right youtube video he does mention that the side heght midships is @ 12" and the bow and stern side height is @ 14". He also claims that it will hold in excess of 500lbs. The video describes the pirogue alot more than his website does.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2006
Denham Springs, LA
Like most things in life, varying the parameters on a pirogue is a series of tradeoffs. Increasing the rocker gives you more responsiveness or maneuverability but at the expense of straight line tracking.

Increasing the flare gives you more stability and carrying capacity but at the expense of less freeboard.

The rocker of Pawpaw's does seem a bit much for me, but overall i like the looks. Having a little less freeboard isn't an issue for me as I don't rock the boat much, don't go out in open seas or don't try to use a pirogue on white water trips