ketchup steak |

ketchup steak


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Fall days requires hearty dinners. This is an Eastern European dish brought over with the immigrants. Quite popular in this ethnic area. Miz Yak makes it and my sons girlfriend loves it. It's her birthday and she requested it for dinner tomorrow.

3 or so pounds round steak
One 32 ounce bottle of ketchup
1 large onion
couple shakes black pepper
shake of dried parsley
2-3 garlic cloves
2-3 cups water(you may mix in beef broth too if you like)

(I have also thrown in some mushrooms once in a while.)

Cut steak into serving size pieces, coarsely chop the onion and peel and finely chop the garlic clove.

In a large Dutch oven, brown the steak and onions and stir. Pour off all but a teaspoon of any remaining fat. Add all of the ketchup, water, garlic, parsley, pepper and stir thoroughly. Simmer uncovered on low heat for three hours, adding additional water as necessary and stirring occasionally. The ketchup will reduce to a deep red barbecue-like sauce, and the meat will be very tender. Serve over mashed potatoes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Kayak Jack said:
My Mom made that with celery, green peppers, and onions added and called it Swiss steak. Goes well with mashed potatoes. JARVIS good eatin'!

Same here Jack , except Mom used tomatoes in place of the ketchup. I cheat at times and do the same thing but with a can of the tomatoes which has onoin ( I add more ) and bell peppers in it.
Aint half bad with rice. as a side dish. :D

:lol: :lol: :lol: Back then there wern't any problems on getting some celery , this area was the celery capital of the world , fields and fields of it. Nice and fresh.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Yer right, Piper. Louisiana is also an old Indian word for "Let's stomp on those funny looking snakes that keep getting into our boats. And, those other funny looking color-banded snakes that crawl into our beds. And those funny looking little ants that bite us like hot coals. And those funny sounding snakes that rattle when the shake their tails. And those crocagators that want to eat us alive whilst we either sweat to death from humidity, or hide under cement blocks to get away from storms.

Ahh yes - the lovely South (3 months every year - or so).


Well-Known Member
Jack, actually, the Indian word for "stomping on snakes" is "oke-la-homa" and for slapping ants the old word is "wess-teks-ahs" The old Indian word for "need a job" is "mischi-gahn" Interestingly enough, the traditional English medical term for treating a boil is "Lansing"



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
islandpiper said:
Just one thing to keep in mind, since this started out as an old Eastern European recipe: in that part of the world Shepherds Pie is still made with real shepherds.


UMmmmmmmmm :oops: Guy's do you think you might be getting off track here , just a bit....... Even for us. :roll:
Now I'm not sure but I hope no one on here is a cannibal ( or practices it that has the Eastern Europe roots ) , not positive about Louisiana since I heard they will eat anything that does not eat them 1st. :p

Folks we do not endorse cannibalism no matter how good that meal looks walking down the street or out camping with you , this is not the Donner Party. Even if you actually live in Louisiana or the surrounding area. :?

PS. Travel over there at your own risk.


Well-Known Member
OK Chuck..........I'll be good.

How's this:

Hey, that ketchup steak sounds good. I'm going to give that a try. Seems like my Mom made it like Jack's Mom did, and we called it Swiss Steak, too. My Mom watched the budget and bought the cheapest meat available, making the stuff really tough and chewey. On top of that, she rushed in after work and made it in time for dinner, so there was no chance for it to simmer and soften up. To this day, i really can't face Swiss Steak, no matter how fine the restaurant (diner) is. But, to be a team player here, I'll give it a shot.

(Maybe the Shepherd statement was in reference to GERMAN SHEPHERDS. Now, that'll give you something else to worry about. )



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
"O" Great now we are going to the Philippines or that other south east Asia country where they actually eat dogs , Oldyaker you started a real mess on here. :lol:

The wife and I had the Swiss Steak tonight ( The way Mom made it ) and it was some sort of good , easy to fix and really tasty. :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
oldsparkey said:
The wife and I had the Swiss Steak tonight

Now WHO is getting off track here? There ya go Chuckles.....cannibalizing Swiss people now!
Careful ya don't get a watch stuck in your teeth Chuckles.

Swampy is already missing a pinky when Chuckles thought it was a shrimp!