Lake Cheoh and Lake Calderwood below Fontana in NC |

Lake Cheoh and Lake Calderwood below Fontana in NC


Well-Known Member
Just a few pics from a couple weekend overnighters this month. Fall hasn't quite hit when these were taken, but color is popping out everywhere now.




Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2006
Denham Springs, LA
We're in St. Martinville, the jumping off place for the first cajun settlers arriving from Canada. Remember the Evangeline oak?


According Longfellow's poem (evangeline) it's where Emaline LaBiche waited in vain for her lover Gabriel

Anyway the folks in St. Martinville have an Acadian Festival every year celebrating the arrival of the first cajuns and i was lucky enough to get to paddle the queen - who is representing Emaline - to the oak tree.

The boat, by the way, is a Creole rowing skiff


The original design is likely European, following the Acadians to Canada and then to Louisiana. It's unique in that you row facing forward- cajuns like to see where they're going not where they've been. It was the station wagon of its time. If someone had to go to town they took the whole family because the trip might last longer than one day. If you had a large family, you'd build one four feet longer and add another rowing station so the oldest child could help you paddle

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
We are fortunate to live in a land of outdoor beauty. Scenery so big it reshapes your thinking is available all over. Except, of course, in cities.

The Cathedral of the Great Outdoors is inspiring.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Ya'll missed Mac 'n Wynelle by a week. They went back ta visit them trees agin. Ya'll missed us by a day. We headed home a day early cuz of the snow.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Yeah.....Mac wuz tellin' bout the Neverglades Expedishun when ya'll run the tide backwards. He sez oldyaker got him drunk. Sez he never got drunk before 'er since.....that oldyaker iz a bad influence, but a good pal. :roll: I felt like the fishin' law, not sho when Mac iz shootin' straight 'er makin' it up az he goes. :mrgreen: