My Buddy |

My Buddy

Just wanted to share a pic of my buddy Tank. He loves to get under my feet when I'm workin on stuff :lol:


He's an 8 month old Rottweiler. Already as big as my sister's lab that's 4 yrs. old. He weighs in at 65 pounds.

(Can ya tell I'm proud of him?) :lol:


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Land O Lakes,Florida
Good lookin' rottie! I love those dogs. I had to give mine away and it darn near killed me. My sister and brother-in-law just lost one of about 12 years. He was 160+ pounds. He was so gentle and plain terrified of our Jack Russles. Here is where I found him hiding from Jack one day.

If ya plan on Tank being your first mate you're"gonna need a bigger boat." :D
good lookin boy there. sorry for the loss. can't imagine a rotti bein scared of a jack russell.

Tank still has too much puppy in him to be considered as a first mate...maybe after he grows up and settles down a bit.

did your rotti like toilet paper? we just about have to keep our paper under lock and key with Tank in tha house :) he loves the stuff.