pirogue seat build log | SouthernPaddler.com

pirogue seat build log

I got started on a seat for my pirogue today.

I got some boards from pallets at work the other day.

wasn't sure how they would look so I took the sander to em. They clean up nicely.



yep...I'msanding them on top of the freezer ;D

my table saw ready to go

boards after being cut and still needing more sanding

after more sanding

seat slats, upright supports & support dowels

more to come...
good idea on thinner slats but I need the thickness to hold my weight. they don't call me grizz for nothing :mrgreen:

seriously, I didn't think going less than 1/2" thick would matter too much since this wood is very light. I can't tell what kind it is, thinkin either cedar or cypress...but then again, not real good on telling one wood from the next here :? it kinda has that cedar smell but not as strong as other cedar I've smelt before.