Quick weekend camping | SouthernPaddler.com

Quick weekend camping


Active Member
Jul 30, 2009
Both the wife and I were feeling a little burned out so we loaded up the camper and went to one of our favorite spots: Cagle State Rec. Area jut north of Houston between Huntsville and Conroe. It's situated on the north shore of Lake Conroe and is a jewel of a spot. Clean, peaceful, and quiet, just what we needed. Didn't fish or kayak, just lazed around and enjoyed nature. Both mornings we were awakend at 6 sharp by the duck hunters out on the Lake which sounded like WW III starting up. Other than that it was wonderful. I need to do this more often.

Our camp site






Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2009
I've been going to Cagle for several years. It is a really nice place, especially in the middle of the week during the off-season.



Active Member
Jul 30, 2009
What made it so great, Chuck, was that everyone went to bed by 9 and turned out their camp lights, and you could go out and kick back in the recliners and look up and see 1000's of stars just as clear and bright as could be. You could even see the Milky Way stretching from horizon to horizon. Something I really miss now that I live in the big city. I need to retire and move as far away from a big city as I can get.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Doesn't matter where you move to ......Civilization will catch up to you. Or what they call civilization.

The wife and I moved out here 30 years ago , it was a small community and out past my back yard was a pasture and then woods all the way to the river.

The county , in there wisdom , decided we needed to be civilized so they put in street lights , next to follow was side walks and finally a road back of us , a elementary school and three subdivisions. :roll:

That pasture back of the house and a lot of the woods are gone along with the Cows , Deer , Turkeys , Foxes , night birds ( Chucks wills widows and Owls ) and all the rest. It use to be peaceful and really quiet here with a cow bellowing now and then or some hounds running a fox for the fun of the chase , not anymore.

Heck , one night ( before we got so called civilized ) while off duty and in bed I heard a gun shot out there then a chain saw... Being on Range & Water patrol with the Sheriff's Office I went on foot and checked it out , caught two guy's rustling and butchering a cow that was not theirs. Chain saws do a quick job of dividing the carcass up and trimming off the legs. They sure picked the wrong place to kill and butcher a cow. :lol:

Guess that is why I like my little camper and the boats I make , they let me get back to what I like and some piece and quiet. Either on dry ground for a short stay or on the water for a paddling trip.



Active Member
Jul 30, 2009
a Bald Cypress said:

There's going to be a hanging the 12,13,14 of this month. Location is Fairfield State Park, TX. Be a god chance for you to get the mrs out for another couple of nights.

I know there will be at least one or maby more " hammocks with wheels" there. So common up. Can't be more than 100 or so miles from you.

Check out the East Tx hang here. http://www.hammockforums.net/forum/show ... hp?t=19431

I wish I could go but won't be able to. Got Thanksgiving week booked back here at Cagle. I've been to Fairfield before and just love that part of the country. Say, are you asking me to come SEE a hangin' or to be the guest of honor???

a Bald Cypress

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
Northwest Louisiana
WEll, if you came, you woudn't actually be hanging. So all things considered, you could not be the guest of honor.

Perhaps you could be billed as [hummmmm :?: ] :idea: a stand in just in case the " special guest " declines the honor.

In truth, most likely the only thing hanging, other than hammocks, will be the tongues of people who smell the odors of all the food which will be consumed.


Oct 11, 2011
How comfortable are you when you sleep in a pop up camper? I own a motor home that I'm selling because of the rising costs of gas. It's too expensive to travel this way for my family and I need to buy a smaller camper. I was thinking about a pop up camper but I've never met anyone who owned one. If there comfortable and can keep the insects out, I might get one of those to take with me on next summer's vacation with the family.


Well-Known Member
In response to your question about pop ups...we had two of them. one, an ancient one with ZERO ammenities. Cost us $100, used. I had to dig the undercarriage out of the mud. got it home, and up, and reached up to touch the ceiling and the whole thing fell in on me. So....with a great smile on my face , i rebuilt the whole thing, bottom to top, re-sewed all the canvas, etc....new running gear, new ceiling, lots of things. LOVED THE HECK OUT OF IT. Used it many, many times.....i think about 35 nights the first year and then a deer hunter stopped in and wanted to buy it. so , i sold ti for $450 and bought a newer, nicer, bigger Starcraft pop up , that actually cranked up. lots of fancy things, like a water pump and 15 gallon water tank. And LIGHTS INSIDE!!! wow. We used that one for years.....IIRC about five. Every year off to an Orchestra Cmp where I worked and many music festivals, and vacations near and far. Great time. We probably had over 500 nights in it when we sold it, as my son lived in it every summer in the back yard.

It had a heater, and a gas/12V fridge!! and a swing up hanging closet for uniforms, etc. and the stove top could be carried out and hung on the outside of the camper and you could cook outside. Over all, it was marvelous!!! Pulled it behind a 4 Cyl Dodge mini van with no trouble. no brakes, no sway control, no load equallizer. Just a light connection. No matter what the weather we could have it up and ready to occupy in just a few minutes, like maybe five....no kidding. Tear down was not much longer.

We just downsized from a Salem 26' with a 12 ft super slide and all the bells and whistles...to a 19 foot Hornet Hide Away , much simpler rig and 2000 pounds LIGHTER.

Advice? if you like camping, really camping, you'll love a pop up. open air, rain on the canvas , family togetherness.......yup, great time. Fo for it, and keep us posted. piper