San Juan River and Navajo Dam |

San Juan River and Navajo Dam


New Member
Oct 25, 2005
Farmington, NM
Well I cannot access the webhosting sites through my work internet so I am having Chuck put the pictures up for me and I am just writing the text to go with them. The pictures will follow.

These are some pictures of the San Juan River near Navajo Dam in Northwest New Mexico. There is some great trout fishing here, where you can easily catch 20 to 24 inch rainbows and browns. You can see the mountains of southwest Colorado in the background of pictures of Navajo Reservoir. The reservoir is full of bass, catfish, salmon and a whole lot more.

I built (and Matt designed) my Canoe for navigating the river with a paddle and fly rod and cursing the lake with a trolling motor spinner, it's a perfect fit.

Just through I would give you easterner a look at something a little different.


Well-Known Member




New Member
Oct 25, 2005
Farmington, NM
Actually the water in the dam is used mostly for the Navajo indian irigation project. A local farming project on the Navajo indian reservation. The project created another nice man made lake called Cutter lake. I have not done much fishing there since it is on Navajo Land and you need to purchase special permits to fish there and to boat there.

The power created by the dam is hardly enough to power the local area so it is also used locally.

But you are right! we do supply a lot of our resources to southern California. Most of our natural gas flows west, or should I say is sucked west, and we have the joy of living under the smoke of two large power plants that help keep hollywood from living in the dark.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Southeastern North Carolina
Tweetie, a person could feel rat good thar!
Beautiful blue water and a string of fish!

We're gonna have to paddle that place an' thar ain't no portages! :shock:

I know many a Geezer that likes that aspect of it!

nuthin but envy here Tweet,
