Side Camping |

Side Camping


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Did me a little side camping today.

The temp here was in the three digits as far as the heat index this afternoon , then the clouds moved in and thing got almost bearable , anyway into the double digits. :evil:

Later the rains arrived and things got pretty decent. It is a lot of fun and really enjoyable sitting on the back porch and listing to the rain hit the aluminum roof of the porch. Only thing better would be on a tarp or the roof of a tent or rain fly over the hammock , in this weather .... the hammock.

Well things keep getting better. Later around sundown the western sky turned red as the sun sank into the west with a difused light due to the cloud cover and a slight breeze was blowing , the temp dropped to 74 on the porch.

The real beauty , besides the sunset , was watching the herons flying by going to there night roost with them silouetted against the diffused red , orange and yellow glow from the setting sun , what a sight , Florida at it's best and natural.

The night sounds started , a bug here and one there then the frogs and before long the night critters chimed in. One of the best orchestras anyone could enjoy listing to , Nature at it's best.

Makes me want to be camping tonight , Low 70 with a light sprinkle coming down , a breeze to move the air and everything rejoicing because of the decent weather.

For now I will have to settle with some side camping , sitting out on the porch and just enjoying life. Tomorrow will be a different day and with some luck as good as this evening.

Don't mind me .... I enjoy the simple things in life and what it offers me. :D


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I can empathize with you, Chuckie. I enjoy sitting on my front deck, which is off a second story bedroom, and smoke a cigar in nice evenings. Cardinals, chickadees, nuthatches, bats, fireflies, and an occasional mosquito once in a while. Ducks, geese, and seagulls fly along on their way to a roost somewhere. However, instead of a night symphony, I get a few cars and motorcycle or two.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Skeeters ate on me like Hannibal the Cannibal. I keep hopin' fer 61 'er 62 at nite so I kin try my Hennessy ta see if I kin sleep in that danged thing. So far, NOPE. I am like a convict waitin' til fall when I git out.

If I git some free time, I mite give the Big Muddy at run.


Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has no heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains. Sir Winston Churchill