Sparkey's Texas Burgers |

Sparkey's Texas Burgers


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I have noticed a lot of you folks like to eat when out camping so I have decided to share, with you, something I make here at the house for special occasions and even sometimes out camping when everyone looks really hungry, I mean really hungry. :)

I am from Texas (by birth) and we like to eat.

I call them Texas Burgers because nothing small comes from Texas. :D

Useing hamburger to make one burger follow this recipe, for more then just add to it for each burger.

Make two patties about 5 inches across and 3/8 Th. of an inch thick. When they are made ...........

Add to one of the patties a 1/4 in thick slice of a Beefsteak Tomato, the same thickness of a sweet onion, and follow up with the same thickness of some good sharp cheddar cheese. A little salt & Pepper does not hurt.

Now take the spare patty and flop it on the top of all of this and gently pick the whole burger up and seal the edges, all the way around. Make sure it is sealed all the way around or you will loose a lot of juice when it is cooked. :cry:

At home do them in a broiler or BBQ Grill and out camping on a wire grate over some oak coals or a low flame. Have a hamburger bun to put it on and it will make the bun disappear or look really small.
Grab it and open wide to bite it. CAUTION it will be full of juice and make sure you have an ole shirt on or one you don't care about because there will be spillage, juice , that is what makes them really good.

The meat will be cooked, the cheese melted, the onion is nice and warm just like the tomato slice.
I am sure you will find a way to modifie it to your taste.

My oldest daughter wanted two of them for her birthday, several years ago, so I did two for her and one for everyone else. She just loves them and she could not finish the 1st one , I made them a little bigger then normal. :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Wasola, Missouri

The quickest way to me happy is with a big fat juicy cheese burger. I make Wimpy look hungry, when it comes to cheese burgers. Dam the clogged arteries, when I die I hope to be eatin a cheese burger and they can creamate me with a dozen of them too.

By the way if heaven doesn't have cheese burgers, then I'm comming back.

DocMobius :lol:


Well-Known Member
When I was a young'n an play dat foosball, my papa would fix whatever I wanted for dinner when we won.

Grilled hamburgers with red onions and melted bleu cheese on an onion role w/ mayo.


I will have to try the Texas Burgers

Hamburgers make me happy.

And yes Doc, I do need help


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

This is NOT a McDonalds , Big Mac or a Burger King, Whopper ........little meat and all bread.

A Big Mac or Whopper would be nothing but an appetizer compared to my Texas Burger. It is Meat and goodies , the standard bun on it looks like one of there pickles.

I have been eating theses for more years then I care to count and it is a creation my Mother came up with back during the #2 world war. Mom taught me how to make them and I have been doing it for the last 40 years (plus) .That will give you an idea on how long I have been enjoying them.

Some of the folks I have camped with call them mini meat loaves, I call them Delicious. No one out camping has ever refused one of them or eaten more then one. :lol: :lol:

Try a couple and let me know if I am correct , if I am then when we get a chance to go camping we can do some at the camp over a oak fire. :D

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
DocMobius said:
(SNIP) By the way if heaven doesn't have cheese burgers, then I'm comming back. DocMobius :lol:
Cheese burgers, like agriculture or bows & arrows, may have been invented in several places rather than in just one and then spread. BUT, my Dad always claimed credit for invention of cheese burgers, at least in Michigan.

He wandered into the local Bucket o' Blood tavern and eatery in Williamston, Michigan one day in the 20's. Ordered a hamburg, looked over at the sandwich counter where there was a stack of cheese slices for cold sandwiches. "... and toss on one of those slices of cheese too, please?"

"WHAT!! Nobody eats cheese on a hamburger!"

"Well, I will.'

They got to be called a Voss Burger there. State Highway# 16 ran down through the middle of town from Detroit to Lansing. Many hundreds of truckers traveled the route and stopped to eat there. Word spread. So did the sandwich.


Active Member
Jun 23, 2004
North Miami Beach, Fl
Holy freakin moely Swampy!!!

Just tried these today except added crumpled blue cheese, a little horesradish for some kick...
put between to toasted sourdough buns, with some sweet tea.
I'm a big eater couldn't finish in one setting...hmmmm think I'll finish the rest now.
Great reciepe, the mater is juicy and the onion has a nice crunch, I can see a higher a cholesterol count in my future!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Guy's here is a Texas Burger sitting on a five inch Kaiser Roll from the bakery ,, I use them since a run of the mill pre packed hamburger bun just is to wimpy to do the job.




Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
DocMobius said:
By the way if heaven doesn't have cheese burgers, then I'm comming back.
Friend Doc,

We miss ya. I bet they put Miracle Whip on 'em up there. :wink:

most respectfully

PS Sho hated that ya missed the Upper Buffalo run last year.

By God Woodrow, it’s been quite a party, ain’t it? Gus McCrae