Spring - & Maybe A Blizzard - Just Around Corner | SouthernPaddler.com

Spring - & Maybe A Blizzard - Just Around Corner

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Getting spring-like here. Starts me thinking of, maybe, new mukluks. Chucky got a mattress and a new blower-upper to go with it. Island Piper got a new kerosene powered stove. I Might just spring for some new gear.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Spring has sprung and returned around here , the bushes are full of flowers , the orange trees are in full blossom and create a wonderful aroma. The birds are singing and just before daylight if your window is open they make a nice alarm to wake up to. I even had to mow the yard for the 1st time since winter this weekend , :D the smell of fresh cut grass.

This morning it was cool for my walk , smelling the orange blossoms as I walked along. The lake was calm but with a bunch of ducks quacking away and the occasional whoop from some Sand Hill cranes on the far shore. I did get cussed out when some squirrels did not see me till I was right near them and they scurried up an oak to fuss at me. The robins are getting thinner since a lot of them have left but I heard one this morning and looking for it , it was a mocking bird announcing his area and trying to fool everyone.

Clear skies but nice and comfortable ( cool ) with a waning moon overhead and a golden sunrise. Letting your imagination wander it felt like a nice day in the Smokes when everything is just right for being outside. You know that cool feeling in the air with a hint of moisture that makes everything just right.

It was a lot nicer then last week when summer tried to sneak in with the upper 80's for the temperature , that weather is for later.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Soon, your sandhill cranes will be up here. A colony of them raises families next to the runway. I like to watch them with their young as I taxi past. But - I don't like looking at them eyeball to eyeball right after I've lifted off. Then, they scare hell out of me.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2012
The daffodils are just popping up and then it snows again. This is Vancouver, it's not supposed to snow. mumble mumble mumble

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Today was BEAUTIFUL weather - bright, sunny, 80 degrees. I grabbed a buddy and we had lunch (Reuben sandwiches), flew a 74 mile cross country flight to two other fields, back home to Mason (KTEW), and had a beer. Helluva good day!

Now, 7 days of storms and lightning coming along. sigh


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Kayak Jack said:
Spring caught cold today. Foggy, wet, rainy - not good flying weather. Not nice walking or bike riding weather either. Hot cocoa weather today.
Your Friday weather arrived here about 9PM last night. Are you sure you don't want it back? :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Don't like the weather up there ......... Move to Florida and really enjoy the weather. Yep , nice and warm , the thermometer is bumping 90 with the humidity up pretty high. Skies are cloudy with some blue showing threw. The sun will fry you if you stay outside to long and all the shady spots ( under big oak trees) are all occupied.
There is a good wind and it is ideal for drying clothes on a clothes line since it is the same temperature that your dryer exits from the house when you dry clothes.
Best of all ..... It ain't even Summer time around here. :roll:


Well-Known Member
Begging your pardon here Mr. Kayak, but robins here eat jambolaya, beef steak, chocolate cake, charcoal grilled oysters, bacon wrapped shrimp and a whole list of other delicious and heathy food. It is only when the return to Michigan that they eat earthworms, which are, apparently the best thing they can find UP NORTH.

(headed out to breakfast.....eggs, country ham and hot, buttery grits) Piper