testin somethin/ damper bread/puttin pics on this darn thing | SouthernPaddler.com

testin somethin/ damper bread/puttin pics on this darn thing


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2006
Just tryin to figure this postin of pics out

still tryin

if it works I will be amazed

just a couple more

One more time

well here are some pics of my latest damper bread try. This time it did brown up


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
:lol: :lol: :lol: Piper......

Don't let Lazyriverguy fool you , my bet is that Val did the cooking.
I have camped with LRG and trust me that looks like his wife's cooking , nothing like his cooking , it's done just right/perfection and is edible. :wink:

PS. Just picking on Joe , he is a good cook.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2006
:lol: :lol: Honest I did it with my oun 2 hands. What I am tryin to do is get this fairly rite so I can just put the dry stuff in a zip lock and carry it with me on trips. ( If I ever get ta go) I am perplexed by one thing. And of corse Val put her word in. In makin the dough for this I used cold beer. She seems ta think if I use air temp beer it will work better and rise farther. My response was WHY WOULD I HAVE WARM BEER. No response from her yet. I am sure it is comin tho.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Joe, your question has been asked - and answered. As she said, it will rise better.

In practice, get the beer out of the fridge, sip off the extra not required in the recipe, let the rest warm up and pour it in.

Cooking with a DO is one place hat charcoal briquettes are good. I prefer to not let them have direct access to food. Too much other stuff in briquettes other than charcoal. Look for and get yourself some lump charcoal. It still looks like pieces of wood. It is almost all carbon, and doesn't have glue, filler, and ground up old pallets included.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2006
Gooood Mornin
Jack: Thanks for the tip I just about thought Val was kiddin when she talked about warm beer. But it does make good sense. I just have to figure out where to hid the beer that will be used in the damper till it can warm up.
Mick: yes sir I have been fooling with this damper stuff for about 2 weeks. I read the post from here and have been workin on it since. I just wanted a good bread to make while out on the river and be able to put it to gether in a dry bag to be mixed at a later date. This seems to be the one Val & I have found we like.
More experiments will follow. Val seems to think I am gettin good at it or it better than her havin to do it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Joe, Ya got Golden syrup over there? very sweet extract from cane sugar. sort of like honey only nicer.

Here's a tip. hot damper, lots of butter and a good dollup of golden syrup.

Camping food of the gods mate.

If no golden syrup, honey is a good second or perhaps maple syrup.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
In Canada, Bill Mason is next to god. Here is his recipe for bannock:

Bill Mason’s Bannock
3 cups white flour; 2 cups whole wheat flour; ½ cup bran; ½ cup wheat germ; 2 Tbsp baking powder; 1 tsp salt; 2/3 cup powdered milk
With 2/3 cup shortening, blended in, add water to make dough. Place in greased, cast iron pan on coals (NOT flames). As dough rises & firms tilt pan toward fire, gradually increasing angle. When pan is on edge, test w/ splinter.

Note, this is meant for an open pan, not a covered one. Bill portaged.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2006
Yes usin warm beer helps the bread rise some. I did another loaf today I used only wood fire no char coal. Got ta get it so;s I can make it on the river. Worked great got a fairly large loaf of bread out of it this time.


Well-Known Member
LRG....just a thought: you can carry s lot of charcoal INSIDE the DO while traveling. Just a word to the wise, too, is the wisdom of making a good bungee cord or para-cord tie down for the lid. An upset either on the water or on the beach can leave you without a lid.

Keep practicing. When the Rendezvous is at your house you can bake some goodies.



Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2006
Mr. Piper
I gave that some thought the other day and asked Val about it. She suggested that she make a canvas bag for the DO and then when or if I float the boat topside down it will still be in there. I think if I carry a bag of char coal it will make cookin easyer. We have just come up with a new chicken cooked on the fire idea that I am going to try. If it works I will post it. If not I probly won't mention it again. But the 2 of us are seemingly always tring to figure ways to do our cookin outside and usin only what we have on hand. Nether one of us likes to cook in the house it just don't seem right. We had a wood fired cook stove back when we lived in Iowa and didn't even have a stove inside so we are some what accostom to wood cookin. Then we had a summer kitchen and a winter kitchen. One on the porch , one not on the porch. We are tryin to git back to the basics of life and git our selves ready for the time I can become retarded on a perminate basis. For now we are just goofin around a lot.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

If things and Val lets you make the St.Mary's River trip all of us will sure be looking forward to some of that bread. Either that or you might be swimming down stream. Not even thinking about you hanging in the hammock with only one end tied off to a tree.

What do they call those things .... A PINATA. :lol:


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Rubber Maid has Tuff Tote boxes about a foot wide X 10" tall X 2 foot long. They float even with a cast iron DO inside. Room for charcoal to boot.

(When Piper San advised to carry charcoal inside the DO, he may have been thinking of his last batch of bisquicks?)


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
hairymick said:
Joe, Ya got Golden syrup over there? very sweet extract from cane sugar. sort of like honey only nicer.

Here's a tip. hot damper, lots of butter and a good dollup of golden syrup.

Camping food of the gods mate.

If no golden syrup, honey is a good second or perhaps maple syrup.

Mick, we have cane syrup here but it's on the dark side with a hint of smoky taste due to the manufacturing process. Good stuff. I used to work at a sugar mill actually turning that syrup into raw sugar crystals. Had to give it up, though. In the harvest season, the mill ran around the clock. I worked 12 hours a day, every day for 3 1/2 months. :shock: Finally came to my senses and got out. :oops:
