Warning about Bacon Grease | SouthernPaddler.com

Warning about Bacon Grease


Well-Known Member
  Warning About Bacon Grease!
 The question is: Do you use bacon grease?
We were raised on bacon grease (lard) as kids and even into adulthood.
I will never use it again. 
I hope you will throw yours away whenever you fry bacon from now on. 
It seems as though nothing is safe to eat anymore.

This is what happens when you keep cooking with bacon grease. This is a warning, send this to everyone you care about.
It could happen to you......or them........

Bacon grease will make your feet small!!!

Warn everyone!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2007
jesup, ga.
Piper I sho hope bacon grease & gritz don,t do that to you . If it does i,m afraid me & some other geezers are in trouble. :wink: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Funny thing, I don't see anything wrong with that picture.......guess my vision isn't really up to speed yet. I got this as an eMail and just pasted it in here because I know how much a couple of us like our bacon in the morning, 'long with a couple of eggs, some fried potatoes, coffee, juice a slice of pie, and of course, a big , steaming helping of GRITS (with butter and salt and pepper).

Guess I'll start draining the bacon on a paper towel I'd hate to have to go shopping for new, smaller shoes.

cheers, Piper


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Truthful Jack,

Mebbe he jest caint git the "Silence of the Lambs" outta hiz head? Makes me think of those yellow cat that put us on the front page 'n started my climb back down the ladder of success. :wink:


It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again. Jame "Buffalo Bill" Gumb