What Are Grits ? | SouthernPaddler.com

What Are Grits ?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Tom Anderson sent this out to a few of us and I wanted to share it with you.


What Are Grits?

Nobody knows! Some folks believe grits are grown on bushes and are harvested by midgets by shaking the bushes after spreading sheets around them. Many people feel that grits are made from ground up bits of white corn. These are obviously lies spread by Communists and terrorists. Nothing as good as Grits can be made from corn.

The most recent research suggests that the mysterious Manna that God rained down upon the Israelites during their time in the Sinai Desert was most likely Grits. Critics disagree, stating that there is no record of biscuits, butter, salt, and red eye gravy raining down from the sky, and that God would not punish his people by forcing them to eat Grits without these key ingredients..

How Grits are Formed.

Grits are formed deep underground under intense heat and pressure. It takes over 1000 years to form a single Grit. Most of the world's grit mines are in South Carolina , and are guarded day and night by armed guards and pit bull dogs. Harvesting the Grit is a dangerous occupation, and many Grit miners lose their lives each year so that Grits can continue to be served morning after morning for breakfast (not that having Grits for lunch and supper is out of the question).

Yankees have attempted to create synthetic Grits. They call it Cream of Wheat. As far as we can tell, the key ingredients of Cream of Wheat are Elmer's Glue and shredded Styrofoam. These synthetic grits have also been shown to cause nausea, and may leave you unable to have children.

Historical Grits

As we mentioned earlier, the first known mention of Grits was by the Ancient Israelites in the Sinai Desert. After that, Grits were not heard from for another 1,000 years. Experts feel that Grits were used during this time only during secret religious ceremonies, and were kept from the public due to their rarity.

The next mention of Grits was found amidst the ruins of the ancient city of Pompeii in a woman's personal diary. The woman's name was Herculaneum Jemimaneus (Aunt Jemima to her friends.)

The 10 Commandments of Grits

I. Thou shalt not put syrup on thy Grits

II. Thou shalt not eat thy Grits with a spoon or knife

III. Thou shalt not eat Cream of Wheat and call it Grits, for this is blasphemy .

IV. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's Grits.

V. Thou shalt use only salt, butter, and red-eye gravy as toppings for thy Grits. * (Except Louisiana folk sometimes add cheese which is perfectly acceptable, evenpreferred by the enlightened).

VI. Thou shalt not eat Instant Grits.

VII. Thou shalt not put ketchup on thy Grits.

VIII. Thou shalt not put margarine on thy Grits.

IX. Thou shalt not eat toast with thy Grits, only biscuits made from scratch.

X. Thou shalt eat grits on the Sabbath for this is manna from heaven.

How to Eat Grits

Immediately after removing your grits from the stove top, add a generous portion of butter or red eye gravy. (WARNING: Do NOT use low-fat butter.) The butter should cause the Grits to turn a wondrous shade of yellow. (Hold a banana or a yellow rain slicker next to your Grits; if the colors match, you have the correct amount of butter.)

In lieu of butter, pour a generous helping of red eye gravy on your grits. Be sure to pour enough to have some left for sopping up with your biscuits. Never, ever substitute canned or store bought biscuits for the real thing because they cause cancer, rotten teeth and impotence.

Next, add salt. (NOTICE: The correct ration of Grit to Salt is 10:1. Therefore for every 10 grits, you should have 1 grain of salt.)

Now begin eating your grits. Always use a fork, never a spoon, to eat Grits. Your grits should be thick enough so they do not run through the tines of the fork.

The correct beverage to serve with Grits is black coffee. (DO NOT use cream or, heaven forbid, Skim Milk.)

Your grits should never be eaten in a bowl lest Yankees think it's Cream of Wheat.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Gritz are also a key to the success of the Roman Empire. The Appian Way, a road over 3000 years old, is paved with pots of congealed gritz. Roman soldiers, called Centurions, sometimes made shields of gritz. The Coliseum is made with poured gritz. No reinforcing rod, just bones from unfortunate animals who ate gritz.

A little known fact is that when, in WWII (the big one), the armor of Sherman tanks was tempered by mixing gritz into the molten steel as the tank bodies and turrets were poured into the mold. Unfortunately, the Germans used gritz in the points of their armor piercing shells fired in their notorious 88 mm guns.

When Ike started the interstate highway system, federal specifications dictated that the concrete had to be fortified with 10% of gritz. Fortunately, this was not figured by volume, but by weight, so it took only a cupful of gritz per cubic yard of concrete.

Today, gritz have two primary uses. They are employed to seed the clouds to make rain wherever we paddle and camp, and for kitty litter.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
I had grits on my driveway every day this week! Every day I clean them off and every morning they appear again on my driveway. About 6 inches on the week and another 2-4 due overnight. :(

Pork, kolbossi and kraut simmering in the crock pot for dinner.....will throw in some spaetzle's (dumplings) before serving for dinner. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2008
Hoschton, GA
As a multi-racial American (my mother was from Arkansas and my father was from Ohio) I reserve the right to put sugar on my grits and eat them with toast.

I will admit that it has made me bald, but impotence has not been an issue.