Recent content by Nismoron |

Recent content by Nismoron

  1. N

    Just had to do it

    I've got a 71 Kingfisher skiff that had a 40hp Evinrude, but now I've moved it up to a Johnson 55hp. Great boat and STUPID fast!
  2. N

    Another New Pirogue Builder

    Well... It was off to the Home Depot for some more money to be spent. I had to get some TiteBond III. Never used it before, so I thought I would gie it a try. I usually use regulat titebond for indoors and Gorilla for outdoors. I didn't feel like dealing with the Gorilla foam on such a...
  3. N

    Another New Pirogue Builder

    Hi, my name is Cliff. And I am an addict! I saw a pirogue on the side of the road for sale. $800!!! I said, "I can build that!" So off to the research I went. I looked at probably hundreds of pics and came up with my own design. Once I started cutting it out, I came accross this site and...