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  1. B

    lining up frames

    i purchased the plans from sandy point boat works, no i dont have a table of offsets, i have the ability to talk to the owner of the company when i want however most of his answers are short and extremely vague. his website has no "tech support" type options and i am regretting my purchase more...
  2. B

    lining up frames

    i have plans as well as 4 descent books but no where have i found a point telling me how to line up the frames or even the transom with the stem.
  3. B

    lining up frames

    i am new to boatbuilding, i have built my frames, cut out my stem and made my transom for a 18' runabout. my question is what reference point is used to line up the frames, stem and transom before working on the battens and chines, etc. is it the waterline cause i have no idea. thank you in...