1/8 ply stem mods | SouthernPaddler.com

1/8 ply stem mods


Apr 4, 2008
Honolulu, HI
I'm currently working on my UJ kit and have a specific question for those that may have run up on this situation before me. I'm using 1/8 ply for the sides and 1/4 for the bottom. The stem pieces in the UJ kit are cut to accept 1/4 inch sides. Should I trim them down to the 1/8 depth to match my sides, or leave the extra. I'm thinking functional thoughts, not ease of build. Your opinions will be carefully considered as my experience is that of a beginning builder. I sometimes use a map when traveling in unfamiliar territory, (not always - sometimes)! :?


Well-Known Member
UJ leaves the rabbit at about 1/4" for simplicity of lay out and assembly. Use them as a guide for accuracy. Then, plane them off flush to the sides.

When you come to glassing those razor sharp ends mention it a day or so early and we'll all give you our two cents worth on that, too.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
On all the ones I have made ..... I leave them as is and then fill it in with some wood flour and epoxy. This way the boards are double epoxyed to them . when originally attached and the doubled up on the outside.

Just run a bead of the mix in the 1/8th inch void and smooth it out creating a filling for it and evening everything out. :D



Apr 4, 2008
Honolulu, HI
Piper, I'm aware that fiberglass won't handle sharp edges. I would think of adding a piece of "accent wood" along the along the stem and stern. Perhaps glassing each side separately and using a shaping resin fill to finish off the pointy ends of the hull. Maybe no need for a "hard edge" but a bit rounded. :shock:


Well-Known Member
Easier than than, and more efficient:

Cut your cloth into strips about four inches wide, but at a DIAGONAL to the weave....be careful with this and it will work. CAREFULLY set this bias-cloth aside.

This will lay right over the sharp bow and stern and can be used to mold over other shapes when needed.

Bias cut cloth may be available from the suppliers, i always cut my own.

cheers, piper