A Great Snack or a Fire Starter. | SouthernPaddler.com

A Great Snack or a Fire Starter.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Lets say you are camping and want a fire. Darn , all the tinder is wet from the rain last night. There is nothing to use to start a fire with , anyway ... anything dry and easy to start a fire with.

Stop , back up and think , last night you were sitting by the fire snacking on some Frito Lay Corn Chips. You know the ones made with the all natural oil. :shock:

Yep , the Frito Lay Corn Chips....... Just light one end of a chip and you have a good , slow burning , hot flame , fire starter.
Myself , I prefer the Scoops ( Great for dipping ) ones for snacking or for starting a fire.


I bet Frito Lay does not list that use for them on there web site. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Don't believe me , get a bag and try one , either as a snack or fire starter.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Brazil nuts work too.

(Imagine picture here, of skillful, hardened, work calloused fingers adroitly holding a Brazil nut with amber flames emanating from it, wafting upwards towards the cloudy skies.)


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Miz Bear found me a sack fulla some kinda fire starter shavings at the Mister Sam Walton Store. I use it ta fire up my Zip Stove. A heapin' teaspoon full will fire up a heap a twigs.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2008
Hoschton, GA
Dryer lint, or cotton balls with a touch of vaseline worked into them. Not to where they are wet; just a little vaseline.

Try to get all cotton lint, like from a load of towels. If there is much polyester in it, it will stink when it burns.

Lint with vaseline will touch off very easily with sparks from a flint and steel.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
When I visit McD's, Burger King, etc., I always liberate a few ketchup cups. Melt paraffin (in a double boiler - NOT in a pot directly over the heat source), use candlewicking or heavy twine for wicks, make small candles.

I make a bird's nest of dry grass/ pine needles/ leaves/ shredded birch bark (absolute best)/ cat tail fluff/ etc. Sit the bird's nest in a shallow hole about 2"-3" deep, place candle in center of it, tee pee or log cabin sticks over it, light it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2008
Hoschton, GA
Ketchup cups are a fine idea. If you get eggs in a paperboard carton, you can stuff the individual cells with dryer lint, and then dribble some parafin into each. Twelve fire starters.

On the other hand you could just cut some chunks off of a wax and sawdust fireplace log... but that wouldn't be any fun.