A Rose-breasted Grosbeak. | SouthernPaddler.com

A Rose-breasted Grosbeak.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I have never seen one of these in Florida but here he is ... A Rose Breasted Grosbeak ( Hedymeles ludovicianus ) vacationing in central Florida.

They are normally in Canada , central Ontario , southern Quebec and Cape Brenton Island south to Kansas , Missouri , Ohio and New Jersey. They winter in southern Mexico , Yucatan , Venezuela and Ecuador.

This one is enjoying a free meal here in central Florida. Who said we are not friendly to tourists?


Sorry about the fuzzy picture , I had to kick the telephoto up to max on my camera so he would not fly away.

Got some better ones when he came back..................




Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Very nice shots from your Brownie Hawkeye!

Mom and Dad used to have grosbeaks all over their feeders here in central Michigan. Dad got pretty upset one evening when a goshawk streaked down and picked off one of them mid-flight.

Superman hissef couldn't have done a better aerobatic maneuver.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
We had two males 'n a female show up yesterday. We have been waitin' on 'em. Scarlet Tanager showed up with them. Lots of warblers passin' thru too. Been listenin' ta a Downy Woodpecker baby sing durin' the day. Soon flight.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Mister High Sheriff,

Over the last few days I been lookin' out the window at a big red bellied peckerwood hangin' upside down eatin' pecans outta my bird feeder, five rose breasted grosbeak males, three females (one jest a baby), indigo buntings, cardinals, robins, mockingbirds, red headed peckerwoods, scarlet tanagers, summer tanagers (aint seen the female yet), oven bird 'n more. Rite now the indigo buntin' iz tryin' ta drink rite frum the hose I set up ta drip inta the bird bath.

The baby downy peckerwood come close ta a bad end yesterday. It took its first fly 'n it scairt her bad. She came strugglin' rite in front of Miz Bear who seen her make a rough landin' in some ivy where she hung on fer dear life. We talked it over 'n I went ta see if the tall ladder would reach the hole in the pecan tree which wuz home jest a few minutes earlier, but it come up short. Next I went ta pull the shakey little sky pilot outta the ivy....but it flew off inta the shrubs. That wuz likely a good thing. Poor little thing had terror in its eyes 'n it wuz jest too scairt ta move....til I come up.

There are warblers in the tree tops eatin' bugs outta the pecan tassles, but I aint had time ta put the spyglass on 'em. The singing iz hard ta believe. Brier Mockingbird iz the Pavorotti, but the brown thrasers kin hold their own. Believe it 'er not, even a bluejay kin make a purty sound. Nobody kin sing az loud 'n clear az the little Carolina wrens.

It haz been hot. Birds love water az much az food. I love watching 'em bathe. Some of the little sparrows I like have started bathin'. The Northern Flickers jest set back 'n laugh at it all.


I had amnesia once -- or twice. unknown


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Truthful Jack,

Miz Ann tole us that the rose breasted birds showed up at the Lost Mine Campground fer the first time this May. She 'n John had been watchin' fer bout a week when we rolled in. I figger Chuck tole 'em ta take the geezer route north 'n ta stop by the Smokies. I tole the ones here ta stop by 'n check out the Au Sable 'n see how Dapper Al wuz doin'. Birds make me feel good.....but if ya dont thin out the evil doers, they will overrun yer feeder.

The grosbeaks left two young ones behind....a male 'n a female. They are still here. They are fuzzy.....Katie would love ta watch 'em. Got a spyglass? That sky cafe of ours keeps the squirrels 'n big doves out. My Beeman R-7 keeps most of the others away.

bodine ornithologikle society

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There is no greater guilt than discontentment.
And there is no greater disaster than greed. Lao-tzu