Alternate to butt and scarf joint... |

Alternate to butt and scarf joint...


New Member
Jun 26, 2007
Might seem silly or has been asked before, but has anyone tried to use a dovetail joint. Seems that would be pretty unique. It would really show off that you joined the boards together. Might take a little while to do it though.



Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
G'day Paul and welcome aboard mate.

I have had a play with a dovetail jig with this in mind. More specifically, to achieve a puzzle Joint. There are several problems that immediately became apparent.

1. Alignment of the dovetails or puzzles is absolutely critical, One milimetre out at the joint will mean your panels will be many millimtres out of alignment at the ends. This will make it impossible to stitch the boat together as it is meant to go.

2. The tollerances for such a joint are very small to make it look any good. To achieve these tollerances and maintain accurate hull panel alignment is beyond the ability of a lot of builders. (mine anyway :oops: )

3. I don't think any added strength in such a joint is sufficent, or even necessary to justify all the extra work and effort required to do it well. Butt and scarf joints are plenty strong enough. Compared to a puzzle splice, they are quick and easy to do. I am happy to persist with my butt joints - for now.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Next to boat design, joinery seems to be the next hottest issue of discussion.

I think that Keith and Seedtick have the right idea. Make a boat out of only one piece of wood. No joints - no weak spots. Simple.

Of course, you have to make it big enough to take along all the guys you need to help lift it.