Aluminum Fuel bottles? |

Aluminum Fuel bottles?


Well-Known Member
I had dinner at a local Mexican joint last night and had a Miller "CHILL" beer. It came in what looked like a regular glass long-neck, but turned out to be an aluminum bottle. Dang, there is enough aluminum in that thing to build a small canoe!!

i think i'll remove the paint, have a pretty, plain aluminum bottle and fit a cork, either natural or rubber, and a keeper to make it stay and use it for a stove-fuel bottle.

There are probably other things it would be good for. Anything but going to the landfill!

Got any ideas?


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I'd be very wary of a cork in a fuel bottle. As it warms in the sun and builds pressure, you do NOT want ot to pop its cork and spew fuel all over hell's half acre and three fourths of Georgia.

Spend a few bucks and get a real fuel bottle approved for the job. I don't want to "see the funny man run and wave his arms" because his bottle of fuel blew up and caught on fire.

And, oh, don't carry any hot sauce in it. Acid will eat hell out of aluminum. So does salt.