And so it starts................... |

And so it starts...................


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2006
The Obama administration will seek to reinstate the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004 during the Bush administration, Attorney General Eric Holder said today.

"As President Obama indicated during the campaign, there are just a few gun-related changes that we would like to make, and among them would be to reinstitute the ban on the sale of assault weapons," Holder told reporters.

Holder said that putting the ban back in place would not only be a positive move by the United States, it would help cut down on the flow of guns going across the border into Mexico, which is struggling with heavy violence among drug cartels along the border.

"I think that will have a positive impact in Mexico, at a minimum." Holder said at a news conference on the arrest of more than 700 people in a drug enforcement crackdown on Mexican drug cartels operating in the U.S.


We knew it was only a matter of time after this new bunch took office. I wonder what's next? :evil: :evil: :evil:



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I don't want to know what this group is planning for the next 4 years but I'm sure it is nothing good. I was reading today where he wants another 643 Billion for health care... If this keeps up all of us will be in the pore house or should I say cave or lean too.

"O" there is a bright side , he wants to tax those that make over $250,000.00 a year to repay that 643 billion. :lol: :lol: :lol: Like that will ever happen. Never has happen in the past and I sure don't expect to see it , That would hit everyone in office in all the political groups , even him.
But .....Gun control at the Federal Governments hands , ammo the same way and a sure fire , stomp the little guy into submission. You can bet on that happening.

1. Bad certain weapons.
2. Make all others a manditory registration or a stiff penalty for not doing it.
3. Any new purchases , registration and a Government permit to have them.
4. Burn the Constitution ..... Then confiscation of them since they know who has what and where they live.
5. Only the crooks , outlaws and criminals will have them. But all of us will be safe.... Comrade. :roll:

I just wish I could of contributed a million or so of that 431 million he got for the election so I could get a Billion or more back. Not a bad investment but I didn't even vote for him , supported the other side.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
I bet that more assult style weapons have been bought since the election than have been sold in the last 5 years. Just don't enjoy going to gun shows since the election. So many people there you can't really look at everything. Price of ammo has gone out of sight. Brick of .22s 15 to 20 dollars a brick. Could go on and on but I Wannabe be quiet now.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2006
Wannabe said:
I bet that more assult style weapons have been bought since the election than have been sold in the last 5 years. Bob
You can bet good money on that and win! I've had 2 ARs on order since BEFORE the election! I saw the handwritting on the wall, but I may have been to late. Still no delivery date on my orders.

I'm going to a gun show on Saturday just to see what level of panic there is after this new announcement. :x :x :x



Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Holder said that putting the ban back in place would not only be a positive move by the United States, it would help cut down on the flow of guns going across the border into Mexico, which is struggling with heavy violence among drug cartels along the border.

In my opinion, this is a classic "Throw Off" or a seemingly inocuous remark, but one that is very cleverly designed to draw focus away from the real issue.


The statement is absurd to say the least. Does this clown thing the the Us is the only country where Mexican can by automatic weapons?

Watch your backs here guys. This is dejavu for me. Be careful what you say, where you say it and to whom. Open forum is probably the last place I would be inclined to post my intentions. What is legal today may well not be tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2008
Hoschton, GA

Good flippin' question. They encourage their people to sneak over our border, they are up to their ears in drug gangsters and crooked cops, and we are supposed to give up our rights so as to protect them from their own criminals. I can feel a rant coming on.

I heard on the news that someone asked Nancy Pelosi (Speaker of the House) about this subject and she said she was not interested and that we need to concentrate on enforcing the laws we already have on the books. Which means that she is afraid to try any new gun control laws for fear of the political consequenses. Which is good.

That means that Nancy Pelosi (who is a flaming left-wing moonbat) has more political common sense than Eric Holder. If I found out that Nancy Pelosi was smarter than me, I'd drive myself to the vet and have myself put to sleep.



Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2006
Palm Bay, FL (East coast)
hairymick said:
The statement is absurd to say the least. Does this clown thing the the Us is the only country where Mexican can by automatic weapons?

Looks like we are pretty much at the top of the list tho.

From a 2001 New York Times article :
"No one knows the precise number of weapons illegally imported from the United States to Mexico, although it is assumed to total hundreds of thousands over the last decade. Mexican officials believe that guns from the United States account for 80 percent of the weapons in this country."

Same article:
"Mexico has strict if poorly enforced gun laws and strong criminal syndicates. In contrast, the United States has perhaps 200 million firearms, 103,718 federally licensed dealers and some of the world's least stringent firearms statutes. Most of the guns in Mexico were bought in the United States, then smuggled across the border, and officials of both governments say little can be done to stop that traffic."

Same article:
"The profit margin in gun-running rivals that of cocaine; the potential penalties do not.
A $125 handgun sold in San Diego sells for three times that sum in Tijuana, 18 miles away, and $500 or more farther south. And violations of some United States gun laws — for example, falsifying gun-sale records — are mere misdemeanors that rarely lead to long prison terms.
One Mexican federal police officer, Alfonso Cuéllar Guevara, made more than $100,000 in less than two years buying 231 handguns from Texas gun shops and smuggling them to Mexico City. He received an 18-month federal sentence in Texas. Had he smuggled $100,000 worth of cocaine into the United States, he would have faced at least 15 years in prison."

The article: Guns Smuggled Into Mexico Aid Drug War.htm

Or a 2007 Washington Post article:
"The high-powered guns used in both incidents on the evening of Sept. 24 undoubtedly came from the United States, say police here, who estimate that 100 percent of drug-related killings are committed with smuggled U.S. weapons.

The guns pass into Mexico through the "ant trail," the nickname for the steady stream of people who each slip two or three weapons across the border every day. The "ants" -- along with larger smuggling operations -- are feeding a rapidly expanding arms race between Mexican drug cartels.

The U.S. weapons -- as many as 2,000 enter Mexico each day, according to a Mexican government study -- are crucial tools in an astoundingly barbaric war between rival cartels that has cost 4,000 lives in the past 18 months and sent law enforcement agencies in Washington and Mexico City into crisis mode. "



Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2008
Hoschton, GA
dangermouse01 said:
"Mexico has strict if poorly enforced gun laws and strong criminal syndicates. In contrast, the United States has perhaps 200 million firearms, 103,718 federally licensed dealers and some of the world's least stringent firearms statutes. Most of the guns in Mexico were bought in the United States, then smuggled across the border, and officials of both governments say little can be done to stop that traffic."

Same article:
One Mexican federal police officer, Alfonso Cuéllar Guevara, made more than $100,000 in less than two years buying 231 handguns from Texas gun shops and smuggling them to Mexico City. He received an 18-month federal sentence in Texas. Had he smuggled $100,000 worth of cocaine into the United States, he would have faced at least 15 years in prison."

They need to enforce their laws and straighten out their own mess. The reason Mexico is a toilet is that the Mexicans have made a toilet out of it. I don't mean that in a racial way - I work around Mexicans all the time and don't mind them. The ones that grow up here in the states, or live here for years, mostly are fine citizens who work hard and love their kids. But the Mexican government is obviously corrupt, incompetent and out of control.

Mexico ought to have it made. They have decent natural resources, a population that likes to work, and a ready made export market right here North of the border. I don't know exactly what their problem is, but it ain't our gun laws.



Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2008
Hoschton, GA
For that matter (seeing as how I am obviously in the mood to rant a bit), if the Mexicans are so concerned about gun smuggling, why isn't this Mexican policeman in a Mexican jail doing whatever sort of hard time the MEXICAN AUTHORITIES think is appropriate? How come he got busted in Texas? Possibly because Texas cops are mostly competent and mostly honest?

The article mentions that Mexico has gun laws that are strict but poorly enforced. That (in any country) is always a recipe for trouble. It means that no one obeys the law except for decent citizens. The bad guys blatantly ignore the laws knowing that there is little chance of consequence. That problem arises even with reasonably good enforcement. With weak / incompetent / corrupt enforcement, it is disastrous.

Rant ended. Pork chops, potatoes, and green beans await, along with my daily medication that I have brought in from Kentucky.


Tom @ Buzzard Bluff

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Ozarks of N. Central Arkansas
gbinga said:
dangermouse01 said:
--- the Mexican government is obviously corrupt, incompetent and out of control.
Mexico ought to have it made. They have decent natural resources, a population that likes to work, and a ready made export market right here North of the border. I don't know exactly what their problem is,--->gbinga

Per usual I'm late arriving at a discussion-------- :?

The problem with Mexico is exactly the same as all other countries that inherited a society and form of government as the result of having been a Spanish colonial possession.
Spanish officials were expected to be corrupt---perhaps a result of Moorish influence(all Arabic nations seem to breed corrupt state employees---it is the very nature of their societies). Since corruption and theft were expected state officials were paid so little that it became a self-fulfilling prophecy. 'Mordida' (the bite) isn't just a joking term----it is a way of life. A small bite here and a small bite there added up and a Spanish official was expected to become wealthy enough to found a dynasty within a few decades. And a lot did without ever being found out even though those less careful who WERE caught were often summarily exectuted in the most cruel fashion, unimaginable to 21st Century Western minds.

James Michenor gave the most lucid and accurate summation I have ever seen of how Spanish colonial governments work in his book, 'Mexico'. Even though he wrote fiction his historical novels were better researched and far less 'spun' than most historical textbooks taught to our children.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2006
Fact is, this isn't about Mexico at all. Mexico is just a smoke screen to fool some folks into believing this gun grab has a purpose other than just disarming the people.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Bilgerat said:
Fact is, this isn't about Mexico at all. Mexico is just a smoke screen to fool some folks into believing this gun grab has a purpose other than just disarming the people.


In the past with the news about a shooting or home invasion nothing was said about Mexico being involved. Now the news is insinuating that all of it Mexico's fault and all the illegal guns are coming from there. They ( the news media) are not graceful about adding that Mexico is to blame , it is added as an after thought to keep the idea active and in the public awareness.

I have a dumb question.... Does the federal government control the news and what they want us to hear. :roll: :roll: The funny thing is that when the perpetrators are caught they sure don't look Mexican. :oops:


Tom @ Buzzard Bluff

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Ozarks of N. Central Arkansas
oldsparkey said:
In the past with the news about a shooting or home invasion nothing was said about Mexico being involved. Now the news is insinuating that all of it Mexico's fault and all the illegal guns are coming from there.---Does the federal government control the news and what they want us to hear.Chuck.

While I'm sure that is a rhetorical question I'll stick my foot in anyway-------

I won't go so far as stating that the 'State' (government) controls media-----what I will do is say that both entities serve the same Master. Who is neither you or I nor the American people!


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
I sometimes fergit we got folks who even read the big media. They must not be able ta hear the little kid tellin' how they are naked....not all dressed up in fancy clothes. [disgust]