Apostle Islands, Northern Wisconsin | Page 2 | SouthernPaddler.com

Apostle Islands, Northern Wisconsin


Well-Known Member
Here's some video for you:

The Caveman rolls his Madeline 16 at South Twin Island


I'd have to say that Mark K. was really an ironman on our paddles. Except for questioning our navigation and constantly checking to see if he had cellphone service out on the Lake, Mark paddled without complaint through all kinds of conditions. Just when we thought he might be superhuman, he finally complained about blisters on his hands on Wednesday night.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Nice roll.....I am purty good at it myownself....well, the first part. Land rolled my Dagger Impulse all the way round once upon a time.....that iz the canoe Swamprat kin halfway roll now. :mrgreen:


Cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscripti catapultas habebunt. [When catapults are outlawed, only outlaws will have catapults.] Henry Beard


Well-Known Member
On our recent trip to the Apostle Islands, we tried to pack with the mentality of an ultralight backpacker. But, as expected, our packing list grew a little bit above that.

What you see below is what was packed in my kayak for a four day trip, minus a large ziplock bag filled with Lipton Rice Creations, Lipton Noodles, foil packets of salmon, chicken, and tuna, and the cook stove and water purifier, which were in Mark H.'s kayak.

Not pictured are my GPS, my sandals, and a bag of wine. My VHF radio, strobe light, knife, etc., were on my PFD. Most of the items pictured were packed into the back of the kayak, with the exception of the ground pad, which went into the front.

The big yellow flotation bags have a separate chamber that serves as a dry bag, so, almost everything went into smaller drybags, then those went into the larger flotation/drybags.

Wal-Mart Space Saver bags made good clothing bags. They're waterproof and, of course, save space. Wallet, money, phone, food, etc., was all bagged (sometimes double bagged)into Ziplock bags, then into drybags, then, again, into the big drybags.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
nobucks said:
That's covered under "etc." :wink:

The camera was in my PFD attached to a lanyard.

Around here one must use the utmost in specificity and not waver or vassaled when explaining things so some wise arse will come along and ask the obvious question. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was sure you had a camera with you or none of us would of had the pleasure of visibly paddling and camping with you guy's while all we had was the computer to offer us that enjoyment.

OK.. Before you say it .. I'm off to the corner to sit for a while and behave , but not for to long. Self imposed punishment is a short matter. :lol:



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
nobucks said:
Chuck, this is your house! You can behave however you like! 8)

Thank's Dad ............ :D

I appreciate that but all of this is really yours and everyone else on here. That is why it was set up and in operation for the enjoyment of everyone in a family , Ma , Pa , the Kids and even the grand folks.

Only things that get Zapped are spammers and the rest that does not think family when posting. :twisted:

My reputation for the family and it's values has spread to other web sites... I was looking at one where a person posted something sexual and not related in any manner to the subject matter and was warned by an another member that it is not permissible to do that on a different web site.... They are both members on here.

What the person does who has that web site is there business , not mine.
There is some hope out there , folks are waking up and like a web site for the whole family , even the kids. :D


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
oldsparkey said:
I appreciate that but all of this is really yours and everyone else on here.
Well, I am tired of blue. How bout anuther colored screen.....somethin' stylish, mebbe orange 'er green? Jest fer a week 'er two, then we kin try anuther color.....jest ta explore, like Merriwether 'n Will Clark. Make Mick 'er Baldy come up with a new pichur.....I caint tell 'em apart no more. How bout a new section jest fer dirty ole men....one with a heap a pichurs of young blondes tween the ages of 14 'n 23? [We kin tell the little pardners not look at 'em.....so they wont git no ideas.....bout sex 'er rock 'n roll?] :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

bodine thinkin' tank

In war, truth is the first casualty. Aeschylus


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Now wait jest a dang minute.....ya fergot ta call out "Jack, Jack, no trade back". :mrgreen:

It is dangerous for a national candidate to say things that people might remember. Eugene McCarthy


Well-Known Member
More pics, some from Mark the Caveman.

Here I am, stuck on the aforementioned big honkin' boulder, desperately trying to stay rightside up.

Crossing to Stockton Island.

Taking a break on Stockton before the caves and between thunderstorms.

The thunderstorm:

Putting on rain gear as the storm arrives:


Well-Known Member
Now, to pick up where I left off before, arriving at Jay's house on Madeline Island...

After we cleaned up in the Lake and changed into our town clothes, we hit the Pub on Madeline Island for some steaks. I'm on the left, Hambo is in the middle, and our host, Famous Jay, is on the right.

After the steaks, we visited the docks.

Then it was off to Tom's Twice Burned Bar for drinks and live music.




The next morning it was lunch at the Bell Street Bar and Restaurant.



Then a visit to the outhouse at Jay's place...

Then it was off to the ferry. We paddled across from Madeline to the mainland a couple of years ago, so we figured we had nothing to prove. Plus, the ferry was only $5.75/person, including our kayaks.





Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Joel,

I recall how folks used ta joke bout havin' ta look at slides of other folks' vacations. Aint much worse way this side of a dentist chair, but I enjoyed these. Felt like I wuz along with ya'll, instead of here tryin' ta walk round in the shade where it wuz only 105. What a fine group 'n what an expedishun!

Next time, git ole Jay teach ya how ta smile fer the camera. :wink:


Scriptures, n. The sacred book of our holy religion, as distingushed from the false and profane writings on which all other faiths are based. Ambrose Bierce


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
After my puter being down and me on the road.....I missed this post. Beautiful Joel! Just beautiful! Always dreamed of doing those Islands. Maybe gett'n too old now. :cry:
this would have to be the best trip report i have read anywhere... extremely enjoyable .. full on documentary ....

your efforts to show your trip as you have mate, is fantastic..
thanks joel
ripper .... :lol: :lol:

hope you dont mind me pulling this thread up, but i couldnt help myself. :oops:



Well-Known Member
Nothing like resurrecting an old thread!

IN an earlier post, I showed a pic of the tall ship, The Pride Of Baltimore, at sea on the Big Lake. This last summer, 2011, July, Mark and I were privileged to see her up close in the harbor in Marquette. Nice ship.

I took a few pics, which I will post as time allows.

Thanks for your comments. It was fun to read up again on an old trip!