Bad fillet repair. |

Bad fillet repair.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2008
lakside village, texas
This may be an empty recommendation, because I have not seen a detail chisel for sale anywhere for probably twenty years.
I had some very nasty fillets on my pirogue, because my compound was setting up faster than I could lay it in.
I couldn't get a sander in on them, so I thought I was probably going to be hand sanding the rest of my life.
Then I remembered a detail chisel that I bought maybe thirty years ago, and I have hardly used since the project that I bought it for.
It's a light duty electric chisel, and using the gouge, and curved flat blade, I just pared the excess globs and ridges, until they looked right.
Mine was made by Ryobi. I have little respect for Ryobi tools, generally, but when I needed it for the original project, Ryobi was the only game in town, And it seems to be holding up.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2008
lakside village, texas
I probably have the hardware, and technical ability to put pictures on the internet, but I don't have the knowledge. (That's really sad, because the other day, in a Dollar store, there was a digital camera, the connecting cable, and the software for around five dollars. Meant for small children. I toyed with the idea of buying it, but decided it was too complicated for me.)
A detail chisel resembles an old style six volt screw driver, and it works like a very, very delicate jackhammer. Mine came with five, razor sharp, gouges and chisels.
It falls into the category with electric hand planes, dremals, rotory saws, and lathes; it does what it does very well. It's just not very often you need it to DO what it does.