Bad Moon Rising... |

Bad Moon Rising...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
This isn’t just about the 2A.... it’s about our Constitution & Freedoms.
The number of our youngest generation favoring Socialism is scary. Winds of War blowing in Virginia....

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Maybe these leftists are descended from King George of England? They think like he did.

Bernie Sanders has joined a Muslim congress person (Ilhan Omar from Michigan) to fight against western imperialism.

Engkand just renoinced socialism in a big way.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
It appears all the problems in Virginia started when Mike Bloomberg managed to help the democratic governor get elected.
This is what's really scary......Michael Bloomberg is a 2020 presidential campaign. I can understand his attitude since he use to be mayor of New York city. Do we really need a New York attitude in the rest of the country . I hope not. Look what's it doing to the state of Virginia.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
At heart, I don't care for politics. There is so little about them that is honest. Politics does, however, seem to be a necessary evil in human life. Politics existed in even primitive societies. Mankind can be a dirty, rotten animal. Don't ever forget it. And, mankind can also be a helpful, generous soul. Don't ever forget it.

If we don't expect too much of the other fellow, help each other along, and be a good friend, it helps a lot. Eating some dark chocolate now and then helps too.


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2009
Bloomberg intends to buy the election using a fraction of his billions to do so. Then, he plans to move us all to his idea of a nanny state.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Just what we need.... some rich New York SOB telling us what we should have or not have, how we should act or not act, what rights I should have or not have.... this tyrant knows better how I need to manage my life!?!
A guy who mandated what size soft drink I’m allowed to have and drink!!! If this were 1773 he would be tarred and feathered by now! Such arrogance on this butt hole! And he’s not the only one who thinks this way! Like it or not politicians they hope you ignore what their plans are so they can rule and steal. At one time politicians preached what they would do for you if you elected them to office. Now.... they run on what they’ll DO TO YOU! The funny part is stupid people will vote for tyranny!
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Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
You make good points, Jimmy. It's difficult for me to understand why anyone would want to destroy freedoms. UNTIL you look at some aspects of human nature. People who behave like that, aren't working to fulfill the needs of others - they are working to fulfill THEIR OWN PERSONAL needs. And, to hell with others.

They don't like democracy and capitalism because in these systems, when you fulfill your needs, you are also fulfilling the needs of others. When a company succeeds, they are helping others to succeed at the same time. Workers are paud. Consumers get goods and services.inventors create new things, and get rewarded for it. Consumers enjoy new capabilities as a result.

Most inventions come from America - home of democracy ans capitalism. Best living standsrds are in America.- home of democracy annd capiralism.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
“We The People” fight back. The Sheriff’s in these counties take their Oath serious to protect and defend the Constitution.