Beans n Tortillas |

Beans n Tortillas

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I enjoy refried beans on tortillas. These are easy in camp with a little preparation ahead of time.

First, I buy a whole wheat tortilla. That isn't necessary, just better for geezers GI tracts. Be sure, however, to get some that do NOT require refrigeration. Remove them from the dorky plastic bag they come in and put them into a strong, Ziploc-type bag. they will now travel easily, and reseal more surely.

Beans are easy, either buy canned refried beans - I get a store brand (Kroger) because they're both thicker (less added water) and cheaper than a nationally known brand. I also get fat free ones. Or, I also can get dehydrated refried beans. These mix back up rather tasty on their own. Spiced a bit, they get even better.

Seasonings, other campers will certainly have their favorites, and I'll learn something new. I take along a fresh onion, and mince up some slices of it to go into the beans. I dehydrated some jalapeno slices, and they will go in too. And minced garlic too, lots of that stuff.

Mix it up until it is about the consistency of really thickened epoxy - (kinda like peanut butter, but a bit thinner). If it sets a while, say, a half hour, and then stirred, then set another half hour, flavors will blend better. Some campers consume an adult beverage whilst waiting, but I'm way to pious to do a gauche thing like that. :wink:

Plop a gob of the mix onto a tortilla, spread it around, roll it up, and you have JARVIS good eatin'! (Maybe, a teensy weensy sip of beer along with it? Just a sip, mind you. For medicinal purposes.) A couple of these will keep you until sunrise, when it's time for a breakfast of Cap'n Jack's Power Bars.


New Member
Apr 11, 2010
Wow. I just had a visualization of your refried beans thing and man am I hungry for some now! LOL. Thanks a lot, compadre! lol

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Bob, oh Bob. Sad Bob. sigh Spam, gritz, and viennie weenies belong back in the thread where we were talking about thickened epoxy used to caulk a transom into a cut off boat. :lol:

Beans and rice make a perfect meal - and a perfect protein - for us growing boys' bodies. Ahh, I can taste it now. :)