Being prepared (first aid and medicine) |

Being prepared (first aid and medicine)

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
For all us older Fortys med are important.
I keep at least a 90 day supply of all the meds we take , and when I can talk the docs into it a 6 months supply, plus a well stocked first aid kit, aspirin , pain killers a couple kind of antibiotics benadryl imodium. Thats a start to the list jump in here and add to this important list.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2009
Americus, GA
I tend to have a big kit available - goes back to the days I hunted hogs, bears, coons and such with dogs. Have been restocking it lately since there are some good new products on the market like the blood clotting agent.

A good list for expedition/camping style paddling is on Bryan Hansel's ( ... t-aid-kit/):

__ 4 – Ibuprofen (200 mg) Pkg/2
__ 2 – Acetaminophen (500mg) (Tylenol) Pkg/2
__ 2 – Antihistamine (Diphenhydramine 25mg)
__ 6 – Diamode (Loperamide HCI 2mg), Pkg/1 [immodium]
__ 1 – Instructions for each medicine

__ 1 – Tweezers
__ 3 – Safety Pins

Wound Care/Cleaning/Splinting
__ 1 – Trauma Pad, 5″x9″
__ 4 – Gauze Dressing, Sterile, 3″x3″, Pkg/2
__ 1 – Syringe with 18 Gauge Tip, 10cc
__ 2 – Xeroform Dressing
__ 5 – Steri-Strip Adhesive Skin Closures (1/4″x4″)
__ 1 – Tincture of Benzoin Topical Adhesive, Vial [helps tape stick to wet/sweaty skin]
__ 4 – Benzalkonium Chloride Towelettes
__ 2 – Povidone Iodine Prep Pads
__ 1 – Tape, 1″x 10 yards
__ 3 – Triple Antibiotic Ointment, 1/32 oz packs
__ 2 – Co-hesive, Elastic Vet Wrap, 2″ (Warning: Latex)
__ 1 – Triangular Bandage
__ 5 – Nexcare Waterproof Bandages (1-1/16 x 2-1/4 in. & 1-1/4 x 2-1/2 in.) 3M
__ 2 – Cotton Tip Applicators [q-tips]
__ 2 – Nitrile Gloves (Pair)
__ 2 – Hydrocortisone Cream 1%1/31 oz packs
__ 1 – Burn Gel (3.5g packets) Burnaid

__ 1 – Moleskin, 4″x7″

__ 1 – Nu-Mask

Diagnostic/Medical Information
__ 1 – WFR Cheatsheet
__ 1 – SOAP Notes – All weather

Emergency Supplies/Gear Repair
__ 1 – Duct Tape, 2″x3yards
__ 1 – ACR Signal Mirror with Foam Float
__ 1 – Emergency Key Chain Light (Battery taped off)
__ 4 – 9″ Zip Ties bound together with a garbage bag closure
__ 1 – Box of waterproof/windproof matches
__ 2 – Sewing Needles
__ 1 – Bobbin of thread
__ 1 – 2″x6″ Zipstop Nylon Tape

The comments in [brackets] are mine. I don't carry the instructions, or exactly the same wound supplies, but have similar stuff in my big kit that I carry when I'm either near the vehicle or have a boat to carry it. I add a couple of suture sets and the blood clot stuff called "Quick Clot Sport", a hemostat or two, small scissors, a magnifying glass, hand sanitizer, super glue, and duct tape. I also carry a partial box of cheap Pepto bismol tablets, since they settle a bad stomach or mild case of the runs without clogging you up like immodium can. I don't carry a CPR mask, but my sons have one in theirs, since they have had their Lifeguard/CPR course since I had mine 34 years ago. This sounds like an awful lot, but it fits in a 7x6x3" bag with a zipper on it.

As far as my own meds, I have the normal stuff I take each day plus enough to last me 50% of how long I expect to be out (2 days extra for a weekend).

Some places make you show the original prescription bottle with scripts - any of you either figure out how to do this (short of carrying a huge bottle of pills if you're like me) or find a better alternative?


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2009
Americus, GA
tx river rat said:
Thats a good list but we are talking about a situation where we are isolated for at least thirty days.

Ok - that wasn't at all clear from the original post in the camping forum. Not many people camp for 30+ days....

Bottom line, have the full packages of all that stuff instead of small, portable packs and you're probably good - I'd add at least two full courses of a broad spectrum antibiotic per person, an IV set and saline, and inflatable splints, and a full roll of duct tape. If you are going to be isolated (in wilderness) for at least 30 days, ya need to have as much as an emergency room and the skill to use it. Even then, this will all still fit in an old fashioned grocery store paper sack.