Big Ole Dutch Oven |

Big Ole Dutch Oven


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
I have had a 10 inch DO for a good while now. Today The wife went to Beaumont with Nathan (our son) and on the way back they stopped at an Army Surplus store. She brought home a Lodge 12 inch 8 quart DO. That thing will feed an army. She said that Piper inspired her. :lol: :lol:

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Well, Bob, your svelte days of slimness are over now. I can just see you at the next rendezvous. Instead of the TV ads for weight loss showing a background picture of a heavy person with a lush, trim person (sexy gal or he-man fella) standing proudly up front - we'll see a background piccie of a slender guy, with an elephant standing up front. Your days are numbered now. I'll start passing the hat to get up a collection for flowers. :wink: sigh

Somewhere around here, I have a net site for cast iron recipes. Lemme dig it out.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
I read your post to Gay and she said that she cooks like that all the time and please find her some real recepies. She said that all the recepies that came with the DO are Yankee ones and she wants some real ones. :mrgreen:
Wannabe fed


Well-Known Member
She brought home a Lodge 12 inch 8 quart DO. That thing will feed an army. She said that Piper inspired her.

Yeah mate, It's all Piper's fault. :p


Roast lamb & vegies :D


a pretty good place for some Aussie camp cooking recipes.


Well-Known Member
About the best collection i've seen is in the Boy Scouts sites, many of them, 55 pages or so, of just DO recipes. There is also a DO Forum (of course there is) where guys join in and argue about the temperature of coals, the height of the bread they cook and personal habits. I finally stopped visiting there. But, suit yourself, everyone likes Mrs. Wannabe, she'd be fine there. There are cooking competitions, recipe competitions, absolute freaking correct opinions about everything (and don't you dare oppose them!!).........ain't the Net grand?
