Boy Scouts Jamboree |

Boy Scouts Jamboree


Well-Known Member
I have been honored to play for many great men and women, and this event was another one to put on the list. It is always good tp take part in Boy Scout activities, with any luck some of these young men will be in charge some day. This event drew about 750 Scouts and leaders to one of the BSA Camps in Louisiana. The weather was perfect. The food was great. Fellowship and activities first class. I ruffed it, sleeping in a new 34-foot fifth-wheeler with all the amenities.

One pic is with Mr Dave, the former Marine and Council Activity Director who invited me to play.

The other is just before Chapel today, where I played several tunes, standing in for the organist, I guess.





Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
Sure wish I had a head of hair like that. :roll: :D Just think, that was probally the first time a lot of the little fellers ever heard a set of pipes. When I was in Ft. Devens, Mass. going th school we marched to class to a set of pipes. Two of the guys played and sent home for their bagpipes. Sure sounds good.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
After bagpipe music at a Boy Scout Jamboree, food keeps better, not molding or spoiling even without refrigeration for over two weeks.

Mice and other vermin are also scarce as hell after the music. This has never been sufficiently explained scientifically. But everybody understood intuitively.

Again - Keith hired that devilishly handsome move star to stand in for his photos. DAMN! He's a clever dog!


Well-Known Member
Jack, been a while since you spent time with the Boy Sprouts.......with 750 of those young fellas around, FOOD DOESN'T KEEP AT ALL!!

As for the handsome actor.......yes, you have learned my secret. He's also a pretty good piper so I don't even have to practice anymore.

The downside is he took my whole uniform bag with him and found my Scotch.....



Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2006
East Lansing/Okemos Michigan
When I was a scout we went to a Canadian jamboree where they had someone playing the pipes. As a kid you dont appreciate all the experiences you have. Looking back I can only hope my kids can hear sonething like that in an outdoor setting.


Well-Known Member
Great thing play the pipes for the Boy Scouts. I never appreciated bagpipes until I met up with a fella over here.

Last year I helped teach a Royal Ambassador 2nd grade class and during our camp out we had a ham radio operator link up with a Boy Scout troop in, I believe Virginia. That was pretty special for the boys.

This year I have my own class of 1st grader Royal Ambassadors and our camp out will be next weekend. Hopefully Mike will bring his ham radio again and we will see who we find this time.