Butter Bean Dispute....... | SouthernPaddler.com

Butter Bean Dispute.......


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
I have lived in FL for about 2 1/2 years, add up all my time in GA and I have lived there for two years. Some of my Yankee friends are telling me butter beans and lima beans are the same thing, I disagree, yep, they look similar. Lima beans are green and stay fairly firm when cooking, butter beans are lighter colored and sometimes even beige colored. They seem to soften up more than a lima bean when cooking. Any crackers out there that can help me with this dispute?


Well-Known Member
Here's a "cracker" to the rescue!

Yak, you are absolutely right! :D Butterbeans and Lima beans are two different things. Maybe in the same family, but not the same bean. :?

Lots of different butter beans, beige, speckled etc., just like there are a couple of different lima beans.

Both good with cornbread and sweet tea! :lol:

Jean :wink: