Coffee Bags |

Coffee Bags

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
'Tiz a well established fact that gentlemen drink tea, sip single malt, and smoke seegars. Well established, broadly accepted. There are, however, a select few scads, scoundrels, and scalawags who prefer coffee. For these certain few lowlifes, untouchables in some societies, here is an easier way to get good, tasty coffee. CAUTION: Since coffee lovers seem to be a picky, irrascable breed, these may not satisfy all coffee drinkers.

My late wife tried some now forgotten brand of coffee bags of camp coffee. Though the taste was decent, the brew time was nearly unacceptable. A 10 minute wait just doesn't hack it when you want a sip of coffee early in the morning. My lady friend, Carol, absolutely needs two cups of coffee in the morning before you even dare speak to her. In her home, a coffee pot does the trick. On the road, she uses coffee bags. These are "Senseo" brand, from Douwe Egberts company. THEY WORK, I gauw-rauwn-teee.

They are packaged in a foil bag, about 6" square, primarily brown with a white corner on the top right. Sixteen "pods" (what they call a coffee bag) cost $4.79. It comes in a wide selection of flavors: Kenya blend, Sumatra Blend, Brazil Blend, Colombian, Breakfast Blend,Dark roast, Decaffeinated, Cappuccino, Espresso, Vienna, and Paris.

These save having to carry a coffee pot, coffee press, & other extraneous brewing gear. Put a pod in a cup, add hot water. So simple that even a cave man can do it.

I wonder if cave men drank tea?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Kayak Jack said:
They are packaged in a foil bag, about 6" square, primarily brown with a white corner on the top right. Sixteen "pods" (what they call a coffee bag) cost $4.79. It comes in a wide selection of flavors: Kenya blend, Sumatra Blend, Brazil Blend, Colombian, Breakfast Blend,Dark roast, Decaffeinated, Cappuccino, Espresso, Vienna, and Paris.

I wonder if cave men drank tea?

They sound like the way to brew up a cup , or two , when out camping. I especially like the idea that they have Vienna ....WOW.

A cup of the Vienna with some Ritz Crackers and seven of those little Vienna Sausage would get anyone going in the morning. :wink:

Anyone interested in the coffee here is there web site. ( it has a listing of there dealers and products)


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Thanks, Chuck. I didn't think of googelizing it. Good idea.

But, uhhh, I'm pretty sure that their Vienna doesn't match with yours? They are, after all, a pretty kooth bunch. :wink: But, maybe this stuff will make even a viennie snausage taste good? Sure went well with cheese and crackers, I know.


Well-Known Member
If memory ser ves me, it was Richard Henry Dana, Jr. author of TWO YEARS BEFORE THE MAST who told of the Officers drinking only tea in the officer's mess and "the men" drinking coffee in the forepeak. This holds with Kayak Jack's opinion.

I like Taster's Choice in the little single serve tubes. No muss no fuss. Six Bells! Starboard Watch on deck!! Port, Below !!! Move now, ya lazy seadogs!!


tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
Now being a coffee conasuer. Here is the way it works for me
from the worst to the best. Instant coffee -Terrible it is nearly as bad as hot tea.
Coffee bags ,drinkable but not the full deal
A Mr Coffee sitting on the cabinet in the kitchen ,Pretty good stuff
The best is my old percolator pot that is black from twenty years of camp fires ,now that coffee is pure a delight to sip on.
You have to remeber these were English folks

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
islandpiper said:
If memory serves me, it was Richard Henry Dana, Jr. author of TWO YEARS BEFORE THE MAST who told of the Officers drinking only tea in the officer's mess and "the men" drinking coffee in the forepeak. This holds with Kayak Jack's opinion. <Snip>
HARK! I hear rats scurrying, and grumbling in the fo'c'sle. Bloody lowerclassmen, never learn their place. (Tossing in a coupla "AARRGGHH"s here for effect. Maybe a "HARRUMPH!" too?)

I've no argument or concern about what a fellow drinks, or how convoluted the concoction process. Just another option.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Personally for myself it is Constant Comment Tea with the spices in it , If a coffee drinker is with me then it is some Tim Horten's Coffee in the percolator ...... I am flexible on my morning beverage.

I get the Tim Horten's Coffee from Canada , have a private supply line from up there might say. :roll:


tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
Well I am the same way what folks drink is there choice and I can drink tea just dont care for it same as drinking scotch yukkkkk
Ron :D :D :D


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2009
Between keyboard and chair
Coffee is not a drink, it's a delivery system for God's gift to night owls, caffeine. It does not deserve your scorn. But what do I know. I gave up coffee, tea, and soft drinks two months ago, and now no one wants to be around me.

I have a Senseo. If you're looking for a little gift or to treat yourself, try Coffee for Less ( I've gotten extra-strong breakfast blend and swiss chocolate almond and they were great. eBay also has a few types, including Godiva.

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
Sounds like a good way to mess up a good old glass of sweet milk.
Can you tell I dont like Scotch :D :lol:

To me it taste like biting into a stick that has been in a tank for a year,oops thats pond for a year for Jack :D :D


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2007
jesup, ga.
guys i can drink almost any kind of coffee but i have to agree with tx rat there is something about good ole perkolated coffee especially while camping ,fishing or hunting if its cool even makes it better. :wink: :D


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
tx river rat said:
Sounds like a good way to mess up a good old glass of sweet milk.
Can you tell I dont like Scotch :D :lol:

To me it taste like biting into a stick that has been in a tank for a year,oops thats pond for a year for Jack :D :D

I'm sure glad you clarified that. Heatherns have no idea what a tank is. Much less a tank boat. If you have a picture of one put it on here. Though I don't know why anyone would of taken a picture of one.Hint for those of you that do not know. It takes two dead pickups to make one.