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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder

Ole Sparkey's cafe haz been here fer quite a while. Ya'll come frum a heap a different towns 'n countries....even frum above the Mason Dixon. When I first come here, I didnt know what ta think. The High Sheriff aint yer average forum hondo.

I dont know if the FEMA fellas put out a no bid on him, but a heap a folks aint happy bout the Katrina 'er the Rita....'er the Wilma 'er the Claude 'er the Harold 'er the Bubba.......

Everbody oughta git ready ta turn out fer the Master of Flow Bizness. Kinda like that time when the Boston fellas sez "hey Bub......hold my Sam Adams n' watch this." [They dumped the tea in the water cuz they aint payin' no taxes without somebody representin' them.]

Next I figger they gwine ta blame globalized warming on him.....'er mebbe on George Bush.

bodine college of silly walks

I’m so horny, the crack of dawn better watch out around me. Tom Waits