Corned Beef & Cabbage |

Corned Beef & Cabbage

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Like Chuck's SOS (creamed chipped beef on toast), here is an old reliable in the field.

Into a heavy iron kettle put 1-2 cans of corned beef, about 1 can for two hungry paddlers. Break up into about 4 chunks per can. Toss in garlic, dill or caraway seeds and some more garlic. Onions, carrots, and garlic added are a good taste too.

Take a hard head of cabbage, clean off dirty & messy outside leaves. Slice into 1/4" thick slices. Cram that down onto the beef. Pour a can of beer over it. Add some garlic. Clamp on the lid.

Bring to a boil, turn heat down & simmer about 10 minutes. Serve with gusto (& more beer). JARVIS good eatin'!

BTW, if you're still playing around with that aluminum crap to cook in, grow up and throw it away. EVERY non-stick pan merely tries to imitate cast iron. None do it successfully.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Hi Jack,
I agree completely with you re the cast iron. the only problem with it is weight.

We have a thing out here we call a camp oven. In essence, it is a lidded pot of cast iron and can be used to cook EVERYTHING on the coals of the fire. They come in a wide range of sizes and need to be well seasoned before the nonstick factor comes into play.

Mine is a six quart model with a recessed lid to hold coals on and also transfer the heat down from there. Makes wonderful damper (a kind of bread) and cakes. Corned meat and cabbage is also sublime, only we use a whole piece of meat. pork,mutton or beef. i have never seen canned corned meat. Camp stew is also very good done this way. I use what ever meat is on hand together with all the roughly chopped vegitables I can find. cover with water - salt to taste and just let it simmer for a couple of hours. They also do an excellent roast.