Customised Topo Maps........ |

Customised Topo Maps........


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
If any of you are trying to locate a Topo Map of a river or area you have never been on/at and need to get an idea about it. I have found the ideal place to get one.

You can adjust the map from horizontal to upright , the size you want and as much detail in it as you want. You an even move the map around to get it just the way you want it before previewing the final product. They offer waterproof ones for paddling , either folded or rolled , your choice.

I just ordered in a custom Topo of a river I want to paddle and camp on and the whole custom map , a 24 by 36 waterproof one , including postage was $17.20.
They offer three sizes ... 18 x 24 , 24 x 36 , 36 x48

If I was to drive to Orlando and get the standard Topo I would of needed two of them to cover the different quadrants. ( Providing the map store has them in stock) to have what is on this one and they would not be waterproof or customized the way I want one for paddling. The last standard Government topo I got at the map store they were $15.00 each.

The web site is Digital Topo Maps .... When the screen comes up just click on the right side for the Topo Maps , large ones.
Or pick out the area on the U.S.Map and zero in on your area and print off the smaller ones they offer , they are rather small and harder to read without the finer detail unless you really zero in on the area. Have a lot of paper in your printer if you do that.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Another option, is to get ExpertGPS for $60, and have all topo maps of the US for your lifetime. As they are updated, you automatically get the newest one. Also aerial photos. You can print in about 10 different scales of size. Interacts with your GPS so you can put waypoints, tracks, and routes back and forth form computer to instrument and vice versa.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
Thanks Chuck,
Just went exploring the area around Anahuac. Wonderful detail. I could see individual cypress trees at the mouth of Turtle Bayou where it dumps into Lake Anahuac. Went out in the Bay And looked at some of the oil production platforms I used to go to in crewboats and towboats. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Kayak Jack said:
Another option, is to get ExpertGPS for $60, and have all topo maps of the US for your lifetime. As they are updated, you automatically get the newest one. Also aerial photos. You can print in about 10 different scales of size. Interacts with your GPS so you can put waypoints, tracks, and routes back and forth form computer to instrument and vice versa.

I checked and they have them for both of the GPS units I have ( Eagle for paddling and Garmin in the vehicle ) which is really neat. Being old fashion I still rely on a good map even if I have the GPS with me ( Mine does have the river on it but not in a topo ) which I will have along on the trip.
There is just something reinsurance about looking at a map when in a new area. Plus the fun of scanning the map for the next day and picking a spot to make it to or you have to make it to like down in the Glades. Maps are fun , spread it out and everyone can take a look at the same time.

With the ExperGPS and a good folding topo map a person would have the best of both worlds. :D

The only problem would be if the batters in the GPS died and the wind blew the map away.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Kayak Jack said:
Use ExpertGPS to print a map of any area to which you go.

I print'em on lead foil; wind doesn't stand much of a chance then.

What ever you are smoking please don't let the Cop's smell it , especially since this is suppose to be good information for everyone , not fairy tales.
The lead foil is a wee bit far fetched , ( Humorous but not believable ) even for the ones of us on here. :lol:

Folks don't try the lead foil or even tin foil on your printer at home , if you do send Jack the repair bill for it. :D

On the serious side , if you want to paddle the 100 mile canoe trail ( Inside or outside) in the Everglades National park it takes two maps to cover the whole distance at $25.00 each. Trust me the maps are a life saver since they show the campsites a person can legally camp at. The rangers can tell you which ones are open or closed or not there anymore while looking at the map.
Plus to do that paddling trip , you Do Have to Have the Maps with you , if they have not changed the rules. Might be one reason they have them there for sale. :wink:

Losing a map can be disastrous for the paddler since they show the mile markers and there numbers plus all the information needed to find shelter for the night. That includes oyster bars , water depth and all of what you need to know about where you are.
Several paddlers have told me there map blew away when paddling and they could not get it due to the rough water and wind conditions. Then the best back up would be a GPS and some knowledge of what you remembered from the map. I guard my maps with the utmost care and don't take them out unless in a sheltered area or calm area , even with a GPS unit along.

I trust maps and what up to date ( Local) information is written on them. A good one will even tell you the best fishing spots and what you can expect to catch while there. :D


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Oh, OK, here's what I really do.

1. Print on standard 8 1/2" X 11" paper.

2. Next step is to apply Scotch tape, the kind you can write on works best, along all 4 edges - on the back. This renders the map tear proof. I also clip off the corners with my fingernail clippers. No real advantage, I just like them that way - neater.

3. At some convenient place on the map, I number it: "1 of 5", "2 of 5", etc. Makes it easier when I screw up something later on.

4. Spread out newspapers and lay out all maps, face up, on the papers. I use either Thompson's or Behr deck seal, and put it into a spray bottle. I use an old Windex spray bottle.

5. Spray all maps with this water proofer. Let set an hour or so, and blot off any excess w/ paper towel

You now have maps that are recent, accurate, tear proof, and water resistant. I carry them in a water proof bag. I tape all bags together with duct tape along one edge like a hinge. I punch holes in both ends of the tape hinge. I use metal shower curtain rings (poor man's carabiner) to then afix my map packet to the boat. I place maps in these folder sequentially so that, as I move along, I can flip from one map to the next easily.

If you use ExpertGPS, your way points, remarks, and route line will be printed right on the map.

This is what Cap'n Meriwether taught me to do, and it's worked well ever since. Except for that one time in Lower Slobovia.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
oldsparkey said:
You can adjust the map from horizontal to upright , the size you want and as much detail in it as you want. You an even move the map around to get it just the way you want it before previewing the final product. They offer waterproof ones for paddling , either folded or rolled , your choice.

I just ordered in a custom Topo of a river I want to paddle and camp on and the whole custom map , a 24 by 36 waterproof one , including postage was $17.20.
They offer three sizes ... 18 x 24 , 24 x 36 , 36 x48

If I was to drive to Orlando and get the standard Topo I would of needed two of them to cover the different quadrants. ( Providing the map store has them in stock) to have what is on this one and they would not be waterproof or customized the way I want one for paddling. The last standard Government topo I got at the map store they were $15.00 each.


The custom Topo arrived today , that was some fast service from . I was wrong , if I wanted the information that is on this one I would of had to get 4 ( four) of the government maps. Venus SW , Venus , La Belle NW and Palmdale. $60.00 worth of government maps and $ 17.20 from my Topo.

As they say ...Since 1999 , My has been the leading provider of navigation-ready maps. By breaking the bounds of published maps with our innovative , online map design center , My Topo provides quality , custom maps at an affordable price.
You provide the adventure. We'll take care of the maps.

I am very pleased if not just down right happy with the way they do it for you. Placed the order on the 13th and have it in my hands on the 17th from Billings , Montana :D

Don't get me wrong , the way Jack does his is good for a 8 1/2 by 11 map.
I like the 24 by 36 or the 36 by 48 maps and my printer just will not do that for me. :x I have done Jacks way in the past and between the paper involved , time and ink jet cartridges needed to print everything...especially the ink jet cartridges , those things cost some bucks... Plus I ended up making a lose leaf folder with all of those pages for a different river I paddled in the long ago past ...... . I was going to do the same for the river map on this trip but said ... screw it....I will get someone else to print off the map the way I want it as one folded map that fits in my pocket.

It only took only three pages threw the copier to make me decide to have some one else do it. Or as a Sargent we had at the department use to say ...when you would ask him if this way or that way was correct and they both were correct ways to do it...... " What Ever Floats Your Boat " :lol:
