Darn Good Fat Free Bean Soup.......Anytime. | SouthernPaddler.com

Darn Good Fat Free Bean Soup.......Anytime.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Darn good Fat free Bean Soup.......

Get a bag of the Hurst's HamBeens , Cajun 15 bean soup mix. Follow either of the instructions for cooking them, the slow or the fast one.

Either way you need to add some onion (a whole one diced up at the start) Then cook the beans as they suggest or a little longer. Just before they are done add some garlic and there spices (they are in the plain unmarked bag) At this time add, the cut up Butterball (Lean) Turkey Polska Kielbasa , extra tender (all ready cooked) sausage, I use both chunks or links.

Simmer for a few minutes and then enjoy a fat free, high fiber, meal with a glass of wine and some good French Bread, preferably with garlic butter on it. This is some good eating.

You can make your own garlic butter. ... just use some chopped up carlic and mix it in the butter...... :D

If you have to have some fat with it & the garlic butter will do it, just do not eat to much ....You will want to. I love the stuff.

Now for those southerners in Mississippi .... YES, you could have rice with it but that might call for the 2nd glass of wine...... which type you ask ...... The one you like. :lol: :lol: :lol:

This Bean soup is serious stuff ..... I make it thick so a person can eat it with a fork and not a spoon, it is not a weak or runny, watered, down soup.

A person might say it is close to the pancakes I make for breakfast they are only about 1 1/4 inches thick and almost 7 inches across ... more like a small cake and just as good. When it comes to eating I do get serious.

This is a really a good camping meal at supper time if you have a lot of hungry paddlers.... Just DON'T share a tent. :roll: unless your sinuses are blocked up for the night. :lol: :lol:

Trust me this soup is worth it & now you know why I sleep alone. If you share a tent make sure you don't light up for a smoke. :wink: unless you go outside.

A hammock ventilates quicker then the tent ... just put your hammock up wind from (You fill in the blank___________) persons tent. Mine is always up wind from Swampy's. :p



Friend Ole Sparkey,

I spent some time this afternoon lookin' fer the script frum that movie "Honeysuckle Rose" that stars Slim Pickens with Willie Nelson 'n Miz Dyan Cannon 'n both her nipples.

I jest love that part where Slim wuz ridin' round on the bus with Willie 'n drinkin' tequila (after he tried ta shoot Willie cuz he went ta messin' with Slim's daughter). Willie asked Ole Slim how retirement frum music ta farmin' wuz goin'. Slim's answer wuz classic. Rite up there with Ole Ike when he tole us we better watch out fer the military 'n the guviment too.


Anyway, yer beans soup got me ta thinkin' bout "Blazin' Saddles"....when Slim wuz settin' round that stick fire with the gang after eatin' beans. It wuz kinda like a Mel Brooks methane version a musical bell ringers.

Slim wuz the only fella who done good in that Steve Spielburg movie "1941"....when them Japs captured him 'n tried ta make him take a dump 'n give up some secrets.

Thats enuff Slim praisin' fer now. Az I recall oldyaker posted hiz talk ta the airmen on that bomber in "Dr. Strangelove...'er how I stopped worryin' 'n learnt ta love the bomb".

Slim haz done good in a heap a movies.

Rice eatin' iz dang good fer fiber....long az ya eat the brown kind. White rice aint no better'n white bread 'er white grits....'n we know who eats white grits. :mrgreen: [Eatin' whole rice frum the mill with the good stuff still on it iz too hard fer most folks ta understand, so I aint gwine off inta that.]

I like that bean soup myownself. Served over rice brings up memories a this Greek cafe in the French Quarter back in '66, the St. Charles trolley 'n some stuff I caint tell the little pardners. :wink:

I reckon we all oughta share all the "good" eatin' recipes fer folks like you who gotta do like yer doctor tole ya (lay off the animal fat 'n salt). I will give it some thought....but usin' that Zatarains iz a mitey tasty start. It haz some salt in it, but not that much......'n after ya use it, ya dont need no more salt. I figger it would be jest rite on some fine fresh fish.....uuuuuuuumummmmmm, but we got a heap a folks frum cajun country on here now...so it aint no excuse fer not learnin' bout fine eatin'. :wink:


bodine culinary academy
slim pickens fan clud

P.S. Wait til I git ta ramblin' bout Ole Bruce Dern. Heck, him 'n Ole Palladin iz the only two fellas ever kilt the Duke.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

Besides the spice bag they give ya for the soup I used some of that Zatarains you gave me on the last trip in there also.

It sure does give everything a kick.... I really like it. That is some Goooooood stuff.

I got a couple of crawdad traps coming in and ole Mac and I will be camping , fishing and traping Buck Lake in the really near future.

Ya can bet I will have the Zatarains with me for the fish and with any luck a crawdad boil. Now if we luck out and manage to do both at the same time ...... whow doggies......and with fresh corn bread :D

Camping in the piney woods on the lake shore just enjoying life and getting fat.......eating fresh fish and crawdads.... it does not get any better unless there is some grits along for a side dish & there will be. :wink:

Hits a hard life being retarded ....Ooop's ..... Retired ...but someone has to do all of that fishing, camping & eating. :lol: :lol:

Now will we be there for 4 days or just 2 .... Might make it 6 ...no 4 would be better .....heck forget the numbers we will just stay till the fish run out or we need to lose some weight..... decisions , decisions , decisions.
I better go back to my 9 to 5 goverment job just to relax. :?


Friend & High Sheriff,

Reckon Ole Mac mowed hiz yard? Sho would hate fer Miz Mac ta run off back ta that cop who used ta chase her round all the time. :mrgreen:

I guess yer too busy trippin' ta turn in all yer trip reports. Course, if yer fishin' with Mac, it likely would be best ta keep quiet. :wink:

