The right to bare arms more with confiscation. .....
Think of how many folks that would be. Count all the hunters , sport shooters , competition shooters , war reenacting organizations , collectors , citizens with concealed permits and last the guy or gal who has a unregistered or registered handgun in the nightstand by their bed.
How many would stand and fight a illegal law is questionable and something unknown. I know I would. But what the heck under the Obama administration I was called a terrorist. Simply because I'm a foreign war Vet and Law Enforcement officer ( Now Retired ) , who takes the U.S. Constitution seriously.
Just for fun lets toss in the outlaws with unregistered even stolen firearms . it appears the old saying , " When guns are outlawed only outlaw's will have guns " , could become true.
Now lets consider all of the folks who have black powder firearms. They are not registered and I guess the politicians don't think they can hurt anyone. Funny thing about that , 2 different wars were fought on our soil with them and even the western part of this nation was , in part , settled with them.
During WW 2 the Japanese were asked why didn't they invade America. The reply in condensed words was... To many private guns in the hands of the population , basically we are a standing army which would be willing to protect the homeland.
What I'm getting at in a long way is remember Germany , the firearms the citizens owned were confiscated so Hitler and his following could control everything. 1st step to controlling everything...Disarm the population.