Good or Bad, huh? |

Good or Bad, huh?



Paddlin' Friends,

I aint one ta dwell on bad trips, but aint no way round this one. I jest caint figger out fellas who ride around screamin' "Fuc* You". Sometimes I figger the combustin' engine iz the ruin of the whole world. Car stereos run number 2.

Trees wuz mitey purty. Weather wuz fine Sun-Tues. [Never rained so I'm gwine ta stay a guest jest ta keep away frum Ole Sparkey's curse. :D ]

Deep Creek wuz dry, but since I wuz doin' the back strain shuffle, it didnt make no difference anyway. It turned cold Wednesday (never got ta 60), so we packed 'n run.

Purty trees drawed loud motorcycles like stink on shit. Musta been 1000 (a day). Road work held up traffic (bout 15 minute delays) which meant one evenin' we wuz eatin' $6 burgers on the River End Cafe porch 'n listenin' ta roarin' Davidsons stead of water over rocks.

There wuz times when motorcycle noises made it hard ta concentrate on rapids. That wuz a new low fer me.

Fer two decades this spot wuz bout az close to heaven az I kin imagine. This time I got ta thinkin' whether I ever wanted ta go there agin. I got no problem wid a fella lookin' at the mountains frum a bike, but only bout 1 outta 100 had a reglar muffler.

I bought a book on North Georgia rivers.




If I wuz a member I reckon I could "edit" 'n add my apology.

Sorry fer the hard language, but I wuz mad. Deep down I'm a lot madder than them words.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

Don't worry about the editing part I think you said it quite well and why apologize I am sure all of us would feel the same way or worse.

If I was up there camping and that happen to me then no one over 49 would be able or allowed to read what I would have written, cause there parents would have warmed there rear end when they asked there paw what is this word and what does it mean.

That is one reason I like to get up there before the leaf peepers show up and wreck the peace and quiet of the mountains an woods.

Second best time I had up there was when the place was covered with snow and no normal person in there right mind would be camping but I have never been normal anyway and not sure about my mind. :? Did have a blast on that trip, had the whole darn place to myself no matter where I went..
Made me think I was camping in a big bowl of grits... :lol: :lol:


Friend Sparkey,

Deep Creek, mainly the upper stretch, wuz mitey purty. I'd sure like ta paddle it someday....after a heap a rain. We rode up into the guviment park 'n ate some sammiches 'n gnats. Never seen gnats like last week.

I drove past some libation spots close ta the "tourista" railroad in Bryson 'n tole Miz Bear ya tole us bout 'em. I kept lookin' round fer Miz Jean Adventure Foods, but we didnt see no sign.

Rite now I sho wish I'd saved up my time off 'n wuz plannin' fer Florida on Jap skullduggery day. Also wish I wuz headed over ta the Ozarks ta listen ta Tom tell how many big fish he turned loose.

So little time 'n so many rivers....'n paddlers who love 'em.



"Thou shalt not make unnecessary noise"


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Southeastern North Carolina
Bar, I do feel fer ya! Last weekend mammawolf and i thought we'd keep hit close and went up to Mount Marrow near Charllote. Hit waz perty but th' state park had a high rcord of campers last weekend! To top hit off sum of 'em played car radios in thar camp spots! An' loud to boot!
Cosidered placin a well aimed 22 into one of 'em... mamma said not to do that... hit would create a fuss... But I do gotz to say that thar camp host went over an' cooled 'em off near 9 at night. I waz ready to back em up too! Figger they waz city dwellers an didn't know no better. Can't figger why people want to come to a camp and get all riled up wit music and loud talk wit more filth than they'd allow thar young'ins to have on th' web... All left Sunday afternoon... cept those radio family... and that girl waz one whinner! Deer waz wonder'in up to our campsite an' when th' radios started agin... they meandered back out .... would piss the pope off I know... When we tore down our camp an' waz a fix'in to leave... so they too tore down thar'z... must have been th' good Lord's way o' tell'in me somethin?... anywaz... we came home an' locked ourselves into th' home... recon I'll wait til hit getz to cold fer them city fok to travel...


Swampy said:
Can't figger why people want to come to a camp and get all riled up wit music and loud talk

Friend Swampy,

It dont take long ta see the problem wid campgrounds. That iz why my disappointment went so high this trip. Miz Ann & Mister John run a quiet spot. They put folks in the road fer rude behavior.

Even if North Georgia is slap fulla fine water, it aint gwine ta be easy ta find a campin' spot fer respectful folks.

To close on a chuckle we seen a bumper sticker that sez "Stop Global Whining". :lol:


bodine school of neo-theo-archeology

P.S. Jest heard that mebbe the Birmingham Sea Scrolls may not have been wrote by one a the lost tribes frum Israel. Turns out Talledega dont mean "racin' camels" after all, but they still translatin'.

Last week Bubba's wife, Martha Ray Stuart, interviewed one a the translators who come on her tv program "Southern Landscaping". It wuz a good show. She showed how ta arrange ole appliances in the yard fer fine effect.

Any a ya'll know that Dancin' Outlaw, Jesco White? Last a the Mountain Dancers? Boone County, West Virginia? Jest checkin' aint no test 'er nuthin'.