Good times with Katie |

Good times with Katie

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Katie came over last night. Her and Carol and I went out to dinner, then watched a bit of TV. This morning, she was up bright and early. We had buttermilk pancakes for breakfast, then off to the Hanneford Circus on campus at Michigan State.

Many folks there from the local Masonic Lodges that we know. Several gathered Katie up and hugged her. We were ushered to our seats by a close friend, shown to the elephant rides by more, then to the pony rides by others.

THEN - the circus. Tigers, trapeze artists, clowns, dancing bears, trick dogs catching Frisbees, tumblers, more high wire folks, then flying trapeze. Jumping in the inflated house at intermission, watched by another close friend. (Lots of Masons around working the circus that know Katie.) Kielbasa sandwiches, more circus acts then - driving home.

She rode bike outside whilst Grandpa napped. Then, her, carol and I went to a local wood carving show at the local high school. Many pieces of complicated nature carved from a single piece of wood. Many highly accomplished carvers and artists.

Home for some pork chops, mashed potatoes, peas, corn, and Carol's cake/cookies. She's sound asleep now, and ready to take a bike ride if the weather permits tomorrow morning.

We tried out new hiking boots and socks for her today all day. Got them broken in for the Au Sable trip. Good to have my Special Princess here again. I take her home tomorrow and she goes back to school Monday.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Jack,

Dont fergit how little gals like ta take dolls 'n other little gals on adventures. That way ya kin sit back 'n watch her show how much she knows bout the outdoors......a reglar Clifford Jacobs in pink. :mrgreen:

Sounded like a swell day.


Men become civilized, not in proportion to their willingness to believe, but in proportion to their readiness to doubt. Ambrose Bierce


Well-Known Member
Jack wrote:
Kielbasa sandwiches, more circus acts then - driving home.


Nice to know kielbasa has such a following........



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Re: k

a Bald Cypress said:
Is it just me, or do others detect the writeings of a proud Grandad in the first post ? :D

Jack has good reason to be proud of Katie. She is as nice a person as a certain geezer relative she has.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Thanks, guys; she is my Special Little Princess. I suspect that all us Grandparents have similar feelings. We see the Life, the hope, the possibilities and can again be openly enthusiastic and hopeful about Life and even our selves.

I bought us kielbasa to avoid the "5T" hot dogs otherwise for sale. (Tails, Tits, Tongues, Touch holes, and Testicles) In normal hot dogs, (bologna and viennie snausages too) the best two parts of them is fat and cereal.

Yes, Katie is a 7 year old first grader now. Reads her own books. We went to the library and got her a couple books. Eye Witness series of books is a very outstanding set of books covering a very wide variety of subjects. She loves the one on cowboys.

When she started Young 5's (pre-kindergarten) a couple years ago, she approved of the school when we walked into the school library and she saw a bunch of Eye Witness books on the shelves. She's had her own library card since she was 3.