Great Foaming filler |

Great Foaming filler


Well-Known Member
Here we are in the SERIOUS QUESTIONS section.....well, I try not to be too serious, but this is interesting anyway.

Twice lately i have had to make epoxy/wood fiber filler. One was to fill some holes in an old, hard pine floor, strange shaped so it woud have taken more work than it was worth to sister in wood patches. The other was setting some legs in an antique chest, lots of wood missing at the breaks. so, I mixed up the filler and set the legs, then routed a big groove and fit a big spline inside the leg.

In both cases, the epoxy went over in the fills and in the mixing cup with heat, smoke and drama. The nasty tart was the foaming of the fills, with resultant over-fill.

This never happened to me when making fillets in my pirogues. I suspect that the quantity of material generates more heat, thus more speed and more heat and it boils off the ambient water in the wood dust.

I guess that the peanut-butter we all use here demands thin sections not thick spots.


(See? I CAN be serious at times)